What’s Hidin’ Biden: Thanks-for-giving Edition

November 22nd, 2023 6:32 PM

‘Tis the season to be thankful. If you’re President Joe Biden, you’re extra thankful for a press corps that insists on giving you cover by reporting on anything and everything EXCEPT the corrupt dealings between his family and Burisma, 166 days and counting since the scandal broke.

Here are some of the stories the media have used as newscast stuffing, in lieu of covering Biden-Burisma:

  • ABC News covered the story of the man who went into his girlfriend’s second grade class and interrupted story time in order to propose to her. Some might say that it’s highly disruptive to the learning environment. Given the kinds of bools in classrooms these days’ that’s a plus. On the other hand, it’s an actual man proposing to an actual woman. The kiddos won out.
  • NBC covered the arrest of a suspect in the gruesome slashing death of a hockey player in the U.K., but left out critical details in its report, like the actual suspect himself. 
  • NBC found the time to report the golf shot, taken by Rory McIlroy at a tournament in Dubai, that landed squarely on a woman’s lap. After some back-and-forth, the woman got up and walked away. Which is what Joe Biden often does at events in lieu of answering tough questions.
  • CBS told the story of a Boston woman running the Chicago marathon who sacrificed a personal record time in order to save a lost kitten. Great story, good kitty. But no Biden-Burisma.
  • ABC, which once upon a time hosted Monday Night Football, did a tease on the Kelce brothers that really ended up being a feature on Taylor Swift, who ultimately missed the “Kelce Bowl” in order to perform a makeup concert in Brazil.
  • NBC News did not one, but TWO features on Erin Matson, head coach of field hockey at the University of North Carolina and youngest NCAA head coach to win a national championship.

These are just some of the stories that the media have chosen to run in lieu of reporting on the fats of the several scandals surrounding the Biden family, including Biden-Burisma.