For whatever reason, CNBC keeps lining up challengers to take on its Chicago Mercantile Exchange floor reporter Rick Santelli over his self-reliance, pro-taxpayer persona - whether it's Steve Liesman, Arianna Huffington or this time, Keith Boykin - editor of The Daily Voice, a CNBC contributor and a BET TV host.
ON CNBC's May 7 "The Call," Santelli took on Boykin in the program's "The Call of the Wild" segment. Boykin was armed with the usual anti-George W. Bush talking points to defend President Barack Obama and his policies.
"Look what he inherited first of all," Boykin said.
"He didn't inherit anything," Santelli said. "He ran for office, it was his choice."
"What President Obama is trying to do is he's trying to invest in our future," Boykin said. "Bush spent $6 trillion and put us into $6 trillion into debt, in additional debt and you know what we got out of it - nothing. We got tax cuts for the wealthy and we got two wars that we're still fighting."
"But that isn't the problem," Santelli said. "That isn't what the credit crisis is about."
Boykin even managed to blame the lack of health care and a need for so-called "energy policy" on Bush and the Bush tax cuts.
"You know, putting windmills on cars is great," Santelli mocked. "I love it, OK. But at the end of the day, it's going to be years before that really replaces the current environment. You know - here's what we're saying Keith. Keith, if you lost your job, would you then go out and borrow $40-grand to buy a hybrid to save some gas money? This education, health care - we're all for it, but the time he's picking and how much he's spending isn't commensurate with the current problem. If the sins of the Bush administration are venial, you're committing more moral sin - both of them are sins."
Boykin remained steadfast on President Barack Obama having the answers to society's ills and that these spending packages were so-called investments for the future. He accused Santelli of not worrying about the ordinary American.
"I'll give you the ordinary Americans," Santelli said. "They should get a better education and earn more money."