CNN Lefties EXPLODE When Scott Jennings Drops Facts on ‘Ornery’ Biden Being Forced Out

August 19th, 2024 6:25 PM

Scott Jennings and David Urban represent the lone actual, paid conservatives commentators on CNN who will be holding the fort down for the right at the Democratic National Convention (DNC) and, during Monday morning’s CNN Newsroom, Jennings held his own in single-handledly taking on former Biden official Kate Bedingfield and far-left hosts Jim Acosta and Abby Phillip.

Better yet, he repeatedly triggered them over President Biden being forced out of running for a second term, that Vice President Kamala Harris was installed by party bosses without allowing a single voter to weigh in, and simply stating Biden has a temper.

The first schooling commenced when Jennings was told to respond to Harris clapping back at Trump for angrily attacking her appearance, intelligence, and — gasp — policies.

Jennings noted the irony of claiming the left doesn’t intend to put down entire groups of Americans as well as the reality that Biden has a well-documented temper.

Naturally, Acosta, Bedingfield, and Phillip leapt into action to go full whataboutism by claiming Trump’s worse (and thus the right shouldn’t be allowed to talk this way). They even melted down over Trump calling Harris a “communist” as though it were akin to some curse word. 

Thankfully, Jennings cited the liberal Washington Post as agreeing with him (click “expand”):

JENNINGS: Well, I mean, are you saying that there are people that the Democratic Party doesn’t want to beat down? I mean Joe Biden’s been one of the orneriest presidents we ever had. I mean, this is not an uplifting guy and — and —

PHILLIP: Oh wait.

BEDINGFIELD: Scott, come on.

JENNINGS: — and so, I mean —

BEDINGINFIELD: Wait. So, you’re saying that Donald Trump’s rhetoric is comparable to Joe Biden’s rhetoric? Give break, that doesn’t pass the smell test. Not even close.

JENNINGS: — Joe — Joe Biden has been one of the orneriest, angriest presidents we’ve ever — I get it too —

ACOSTA: Yeah, but —

PHILLIP: Scott! Scott!

JENNINGS: cause — I mean — come on.

ACOSTA: — when — when — when Trump is calling Kamala Harris a communist, you don’t actually believe — does anybody believe that?

JENNINGS: I mean, I don’t think she’s a registered communist. I think her policies could be. I think her policies could be mixed up for countries that have tried it and doesn’t turn out very well.


JENNINGS: Look, just like The Washington Post said the other day, if you don’t want to be called a communist, maybe don’t install their economic platform. I didn’t write it. The Post did.

BEDINGFIELD: This is — this is so interesting — I mean, this is so interesting because this kind of goes to the point you were raising about Trump, giving him this argument on a silver platter, like Scott, you’re super smart guy. I’ve heard you —


BEDINGFIELD: — make some really compelling — 

ACOSTA: Opinions vary.

BEDINGFIELD: — I’ve heard you make some really compelling arguments. This one doesn’t do it. And so to watch — kind of watch the Republican Party follow behind Donald Trump, who is, you know, throwing these kind of like ugly attacks —

JENNINGS: Well, look —

BEDINGFIELD: — that don’t really resonate with people cause they sort of go, alright, you — I’m open to an argument.

PHILLIP: I have to — I have to say Scott, I mean, honestly, I mean, this is — you will be hard pressed to tell voters who lived through four years of Donald Trump that — they don’t like Joe Biden for a lot of reasons, but I don’t think there are a lot of voters who think that he is angrier than Donald Trump? Angrier?

JENNINGS: He — he’s a pretty ornery guy. I mean, she worked for him, but he’s a pretty ornery guy.

The second throwdown came when Bedingfield treated viewers like idiots by hailing Biden for having decided to “hand that mantle” of the Democratic Party “off to Kamala Harris” with the “very selfless” action of stepping down from reelection.

Jennings audibly laughed at this version of history:

In response, Acosta Phillip refused to debate or even engage on that point because they  chose to invoke the 2020 election and January 6 as a way to shut Jennings up:

ACOSTA: I mean, Donald Trump did not ever concede the 2020 elections, so I mean, there is a slight difference there.

PHILLIP: And, you know what? Tonight, the Democrats are going to put on the stage some of the people involved in the January 6 investigation — the committee on — on Capitol hill, that’s another point of contrast, that — that’s going to raise character question about Donald Trump. And, I mean, I do wonder as a Republican, if you wish that more of your colleagues had strong arm to him into stepping aside?

This went right into perhaps Jennings’s strongest point as he highlighted how Republicans “had a real primary...where...the person they voted for actually got the nomination” versus Democrats, who “rigged” the primary process to crowd out competition “then...change[d] their minds later” by forcing Biden out.

Bedingfield had the hutzpah to insist Democratic primary voters did vote for Harris since she was going to be Biden’s running mate. 

There was more comedy when Jennings countered with Democrats made Biden quit “by tweet” (with on-camera comments coming days later) and Bedingfield stretched this to mean Jennings was, as a Republican, a hypocrite on political figures using Twitter (click “expand”):



BEDINGFIELD: She was on the ticket with him that got 14 million votes in this primary. Also, the incumbent president running effectively more or less unopposed in the primary is pretty, pretty standard operating procedure. So to suggest, now that — that’s somehow sort of some sort of undemocratic effort — 


BEDINGFIELD: — is just that’s just not true. 

JENNINGS: I mean — I mean —

BEDINGFIELD: That’s not true.

JENNINGS: I mean — I mean, you get — you had the guy resign by tweet. I mean —

BEDINGFIELD: That’s — oh, wait — wait. So, wait. Communicating via tweet is now no longer acceptable for a presidential nominee?

JENNINGS: — no, I’m just saying — I’m just saying —

BEDINGFIELD: Cause I think you guys —

JENNINGS: — you ran the President, you ran the President of the United States —

BEDINGFIELD: — might have a problem for that.

JENNINGS: — out of his — he’s — he’s been in this profession for 52 years and you ran this man out of his job by a tweet on a Sunday morning. I mean, it’s pretty rough. I mean, look, my hat’s off to you. You guys — party bosses, I get it. Like, you all are rough players. I mean —

ACOSTA: We are in Chicago, yes.

JENNINGS: — I mean, I’m —

PHILLIP: You know what?

JENNINGS: —  this is like — I’m kind of in awe of it.

PHILLIP: Listen, we are in unprecedented times.

Rewinding to the very beginning of the segment and Jennings calmly educated the three blue-bleeding partisans about how there’s a segment of their side (the pro-Hamas, anti-Semitic types) that, if they were smart about wanting to reach the broadest group of Americans, would jettison:

To see the relevant CNN transcript from August 19, click here.