CBS’s Dickerson Invokes January 6 to Defend Dems Subverting Voters to Coronate Kamala

July 22nd, 2024 4:23 PM

On Monday’s CBS Mornings, longtime leftist CBS correspondent and CBS News Streaming Network host John Dickerson defended the Democratic Party giving a middle finger to primary voters and coronating Vice President Kamala Harris without a single vote because, well, at least they didn’t storm the Capitol like Republicans did on January 6, 2021 and claim the 2020 election was rigged.

Co-host and Democratic donor Gayle King might have inadvertently opened the door to the kabuki theatre Democrats will employ now that President Biden has dropped out by saying off the top of the show that Biden’s “surprise announcement yesterday, marks an historic, unprecedented and possibly undemocratic moment in American politics with the election...105 days away”.

Skipping ahead in the first half-hour, co-host Tony Dokoupil hit the nail on the head in a set-up to Dickerson: “Republicans...are already calling this an undemocratic process. You know, Democrats say they’re all about protecting democracy, here they are overturning the will of 14 million primary voters. Do they have a point there?”

Dickerson would only give the GOP “sort of” credit before arguing the parties can set whatever rules they want: “Okay, parties get to pick how they want to pick people. So if Democratic Party decides this is how they want to pick their nominee, they get to choose.”

It was then he pivoted to his usual pompous and smug self by invoking January 6 as a way (albeit as a logical fallacy) to end discussion:

As a political matter, do the Republicans want to have a big discussion about thwarting the will of the people? Because when you have as many clips as exist of top Republicans after January 6 saying that Donald Trump was the inspiration for trying to disenfranchise 81 million people, I don’t think that’s turf on which Republicans want to spend a lot of time. They’re taking a lot of shots. They’ve got a lot of arguments they can make. But I’m not sure that you want to have a discussion about that.

An earlier segment gave a preview to how the liberal media will pull out all the stops to shamelessly pull Harris across the finish line, a la Barack Obama and the liberal media in 2008 and 2012.

Featured co-host Vladimir Duthiers boasted that Harris spent Sunday “working the phones reportedly wearing a Howard University sweatshirt, where she is of course a proud alum”.

Chief White House correspondent Nancy Cordes delivered a segment reminiscent of what ABC’s Good Morning America had from Deborah Roberts, down to fawning over Harris as a woman of “history” and “sharp question[er]” on the Judiciary Committee and lamenting she was “a target” of the GOP on the border crisis (click “expand”):

You know if Vice President Harris does secure the Democratic nomination, which she is poised to do, she will be the first woman of color at the top of a major party ticket. But she’s used to being the first, it’s been a common theme throughout her career.


Kamala Harris made history four years ago becoming the first woman, the first Black person and the first Asian American to ascend to the vice presidency. Now, she is looking to make history again.


The 59-year-old from California began her career as a prosecutor winning statewide office in 2010 to become California’s attorney general, then winning a coveted Senate seat in 2016.


Her sharp questioning as a member of the Judiciary Committee drew national attention, and just three years into her first term, she made a bid for the Democratic presidential nomination. After she dropped out, she was tapped by Joe Biden to be his running mate.


As Vice President, Harris has been tasked with leading efforts to address migration to the southern border, making her a target for Republican critiques.


She has also been the administration’s fiercest advocate when it comes to reproductive rights.

To see the relevant transcript from July 22, click here.