Bozell Gives MSNBC’s Scarborough, Reid a Taste of Their Own Medicine

July 18th, 2024 11:12 AM

If it’s acceptable for leftist media to label conservative shows as “unindicted co-conspirators” when a terrorist attacks, then turnabout is fair play, Media Research Center President Brent Bozell said in a radio interview Tuesday.

Appearing on “O’Connor and Company,” Bozell and Host Larry O’Connor discussed MSNBC’s decision to pull Donald Trump-hating hosts Joe Scarborough and Mika Brzezinski from their morning show on Monday, in the wake of Saturday’s attempted assassination of the Republican presidential candidate.

Asked why MSNBC would pull Scarborough and Brzezinski that day, Bozell explained that the network couldn’t take the risk that they might say something incendiary that would harm the network:

“They don’t trust them. They can’t trust their own show not to go into the direction that the media have been going in the last couple of years about Donald Trump, about him being a threat to democracy.”

“Because, it’s not just that statement that their making, but the hysteria behind the statement that they’re making,” Bozell said, quoting times the two hosts have claimed that, if elected, Trump would “imprison,” “execute,” and “drive from the country” any one he doesn’t like. “One year from now, [democracy] could be over,” Bozell quoted Scarborough claiming.

The liberal media’s lock-step claim that Trump is “an existential threat to democracy” isn’t a new tactic, Bozell said, recalling how they called conservative media hosts “unindicted co-conspirators” in the Oklahoma City bombing.

“Okay, if that’s fair, what’s good for the goose is good for the gander,” Bozell said:

“And I will hereby say that Joy Reid and Scarborough and Mika and the countless other people in the national news media that have been pushing this narrative that Donald Trump was an existential threat to America, they are unindicted co-conspirators in attempted assassination of the president.”