Dana Bash Laments: New Senate GOP Leaders 'Half a Dozen White Men'

November 14th, 2014 9:17 AM

Dana Bash is not one to put aside her biases in the name of journalism. As Matthew Balan reported just last week, the CNN Capitol Hill correspondent appeared on Anderson Cooper 360 to blame Senate Republicans for the “dysfunction” in the federal government. This week proved no different.
Around 11 a.m. on November 13, Bash snarkily tweeted on GOP sexism:

Of course, the only reason this information is “noteworthy” is because Bash used it to push the Republican “war on women” narrative. (There are now six female GOP senators, up two). The demographic breakdown of the leadership is hardly surprising compared to the last Democratic Senate leadership team that was comprised of two white women and five white men.

Meanwhile on Twitter many followers struck back on the thread, commenting, “why is that "noteworthy"? And “Noteworthy: @DanaBashCNN is a hack. Ha, Just kidding. That’s not news to anyone.”

In the words of @alwaysonoffense on Twitter, Bash should recognize that “the war on women failed” and “get back to work reporting instead of editorializing.”

(HT: @raelynnziegler)