Latino Nets to Biden: Time for PAYBACK 

May 4th, 2021 7:38 PM

Patience has run out among immigration allies and their spokespersons in Spanish-language media. After promising the sun, moon, and stars, Joe Biden has not yet delivered. That’s not good for business, and the Latino networks are calling him out.

CNN En Español, Estrella TV, Telemundo, and Univision have all let the Biden-Harris administration know just how unhappy their audiences are about the fact that, in the words of CNNEE reporter Gustavo Valdés, “the Hispanic community that was very important for Joe Biden's victory,” expects him to keep his promises – mainly opening the borders and legalizing all undocumented migrants.



MIRTHALA SALINAS: Immigrants have not forgotten the campaign promises made by Joe Biden, and took to the streets to remind him of them.


ARMANDO GUZMAN: Undocumented people in the United States are calling for the government to keep the promises made to everyone: the eleven million Biden promised to legalize; the DREAMers; and the people with TPS protection.


NACHO LOZANO: There are several promises that President Joe Biden hasn’t yet been able to keep.


LUIS MEGID: Some immigrants are asking for fewer promises and more results.


XAVIER BECERRA: A child that crosses the border without papers is not guaranteed to remain here in the United States.

JOSÉ DÍAZ- BALART: Becerra's statements are a 180-degree turn from President Biden's promises to not deport unaccompanied minors.


GUSTAVO VALDES: There are favors that are made during campaigns, there are promises that are made- they must be kept, and the Hispanic community that was very important for Joe Biden's victory, wants them kept.


JAVIER VEGA: There are promises yet to be kept.

The Hispanic “community” CNNEE speaks about, actually refers to the Hispanic media itself, one that can only survive with a steady flow of immigrants -legal or illegal.

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Given that 100 days have passed and the crisis at the border keeps on growing out of control; that, as per Univision reporter Luis Megid, “some immigrants are asking for fewer promises and more results”; that “there are promises yet to be kept”, according to Telemundo; and that “undocumented people in the United States are calling for the government to keep the promises made to everyone: the eleven million Biden promised to legalize; the DREAMers; and the people with TPS protection”, in the words of Estrella TV´s reporter Armando Guzmán, means that the Hispanic media wants payback - NOW.

And yet they continue to fill their newscasts with fluff- friendly reports favoring the administration, such as the upcoming reunification of four families separated at the border, and Kamala Harris´ much heralded trip to Guatemala “sometime in the summer.”

How long this goes on remains to be seen. At 100-plus days, the Latino nets are counting, and not just time.

The bias at the Latino nets comes to you thanks to advertisers like General Mills. Call them out and help the MRC fight back.