Exposing the Woke Classrooms In America

October 24th, 2023 4:17 PM

Welcome to Woke of the Weak where I’ll update you about the most woke, progressive, insane, and crazy clips and stories that the left thinks is tolerable and well, point out why exactly they’re nuts. 

This week we took a look at some teachers who promoted National Coming Out Day which is a made up holiday for the LGBTQ mob to profess the lies and delusions they’re living. This year featured a ton of teachers celebrating the occasion with their plans to indoctrinate students into joining said mob. 

One teacher was covered in rainbow gear and talked about how she loved celebrating her students queerness. Another teacher wore a shirt about transgenderism and wrote that he was black, gay and thriving. I’d suggest that he change the word “thriving” to “grooming” because judging by the hip shaking in his video, that seems like the only thing kids are going to be subject to in his class. 

If you thought those two were bad, a lineup of 12 different educators dressed in rainbow pride clothes and presented signs about transgenderism, signs with all different types of pride flags and lots of woke propaganda. They were gearing up for their students arrival for National Coming Out Day.

I can assure you that if I was dropping my kid off at school and any one of those teachers was outside to greet my kid, we’d be leaving school grounds and starting homeschooling immediately. 

After seeing all those woke teachers who seemed to care more about pushing an agenda than actually teaching kids, we looked at what could happen when students subjected to this insanity finally grow up. For instance, they could become drag queen soldiers for our military, or someone who thinks whiteness needs to go away or someone who collects and celebrates cockroaches in their house (yes, really). 

We’re clearly dealing with a mental health crisis in this country and it’s starting with the indoctrination of our kids!