Inverse Cramer Alert: Kamala Better for Oil, Wall Street Than Biden

July 25th, 2024 11:10 AM

CNBC host Jim Cramer lavished praise on Vice President Kamala Harris, leaving his ideas on who she could be entirely unburdened by who she has been. 

On the June 22 edition of Squawk on the Street, Cramer lauded Harris as a “globalist” and more sophisticated than President Joe Biden. When CNBC co-anchor Carl Quintanilla tried to characterize Cramer’s remarks, Cramer agreed with his characterization that Harris’ ascent was a “net positive for the markets and for American business.” During the segment, Cramer astonishingly went on to indirectly boost Harris on energy policy, arguing, “Republicans are uniquely bad for oil.”

Cramer argued that the GOP drove down the price of oil by allowing excessive drilling. However, this claim completely ignored that the Biden administration aims to eliminate American oil and gas production by pushing net-zero goals.

The stupidity didn’t end there. In an obvious sign that he didn’t watch a single 2020 presidential primary debate, Cramer also said that Harris was “much more moderate” than Biden. 

Harris’ record shreds any illusion that she is a strong supporter of oil and gas production. The New York Times praised her environmental record in a June 22 article. The article covered her staunch opposition to fracking, a method of natural gas extraction that has helped make the nation energy-independent

The Times article also mentioned her support for making energy more expensive through a carbon tax. The article also noted that she was an original sponsor of the radical and wasteful “Green New Deal” and took action to try to stop offshore fracking as California’s attorney general.  

Harris isn’t pro-business either, her record shows. During the 2020 presidential primaries, Harris supported reversing the 2017 Tax Cuts and Jobs Act and massively increasing the corporate income tax from 21% to 35%. She also backed taxing stock market trades to help pay for her expensive, government spending wish list.

Only minutes after Cramer had finished bloviating on an imaginary pro-business and pro-energy Harris, CNBC Senior Washington Correspondent Eamon Javers shredded this argument. Javers correctly pointed out that Harris had supported the Green New Deal, a plan to replace oil and gas. 

He also noted that the supposedly pro-business Harris supported a 35% corporate tax rate. Biden, who Cramer favorably compared Harris to, supported a 28% corporate tax rate. It’s unclear what Cramer is excited about as both these rates are higher than the current rate. 

Conservatives are under attack! Contact CNBC at and demand it distance itself from Cramer’s wild predictions.