Profile picture for user Noel Sheppard

Noel Sheppard

Associate Editor

Noel Sheppard, Associate Editor of NewsBusters, passed away in March of 2014. More here about Noel's contributions to NewsBusters and tributes to him upon his passing.

Latest Blogs

Indiana Health Insurance Rates Rise 72% Under ObamaCare - Will Media R

Noel Sheppard
July 19th, 2013 11:07 AM

Charles Barkley: ‘I Don’t Think the Media Has a Pure Heart’ or

Noel Sheppard
July 18th, 2013 6:31 PM

Martin Bashir: Is Darrell Issa ‘The Most Repugnant Politician in the

Noel Sheppard
July 18th, 2013 5:10 PM

Larry Elder to Piers Morgan: 'If Rachel Jeantel's One Smart Cookie, Wh

Noel Sheppard
July 18th, 2013 10:13 AM

Rachel Jeantel: When Rush Limbaugh Says 'N--ga' It's Racist

Noel Sheppard
July 17th, 2013 7:35 PM

CVS, Rite Aid and Walgreens Refuse to Sell Rolling Stone's Boston Mara

Noel Sheppard
July 17th, 2013 5:00 PM

Leno: Kids Believed Obama Loves Broccoli, Burst Out Laughing When He S

Noel Sheppard
July 17th, 2013 4:26 PM

Olbermann Gets Late Night Show on ESPN2, Can't Discuss Politics

Noel Sheppard
July 17th, 2013 12:02 PM

Bruce Springsteen Dedicates Song to Trayvon Martin During Ireland Conc

Noel Sheppard
July 17th, 2013 10:41 AM

Bill Maher Booed for Tasteless Zimmerman Jokes on CBS Late Show

Noel Sheppard
July 17th, 2013 1:53 AM

LA Times Fails to Publish Separate Article on Violent Zimmerman Protes

Noel Sheppard
July 16th, 2013 4:36 PM

CNN: Zimmerman Prosecutor Excused Potential Black Juror for Being a Fo

Noel Sheppard
July 16th, 2013 12:59 PM

Stevie Wonder Announces Florida Boycott Over Zimmerman Verdict

Noel Sheppard
July 16th, 2013 9:47 AM

Charlie Rangel: If Zimmerman Were Black Police Might Have Beat Him To

Noel Sheppard
July 15th, 2013 6:30 PM

MLK Jr's Niece: NAACP 'Race-Baiting' Zimmerman Verdict, Trying to Stir

Noel Sheppard
July 15th, 2013 5:53 PM

Greta Van Susteren Smacks Down Atlanta Falcons Star: 'Do You Think He

Noel Sheppard
July 15th, 2013 10:38 AM

Krugman: GOP 'Takes Positive Glee in Inflicting Further Suffering on t

Noel Sheppard
July 15th, 2013 9:56 AM

Candy Crowley to Democrat Guest: 'Do You Think the American Justice Sy

Noel Sheppard
July 14th, 2013 8:03 PM

Smiley on Zimmerman Verdict: Evidence of Contempt This Nation Shows fo

Noel Sheppard
July 14th, 2013 2:21 PM

Cornel West: Most Liberals Are ‘Morally Bankrupt

Noel Sheppard
July 14th, 2013 1:41 PM