Notable Quotables
LOSING THEIR MINDS: Journos and Celebs Rage Against ‘Fascist’ DeSantis
New York Times columnist Margaret Sullivan laughably proclaimed on March 10 that Florida Governor Ron DeSantis “is just getting started with his rightwing agenda. That should worry us all, yet the media mostly fawns over him.” Sullivan added: “DeSantis enjoys glowing treatment from the mainstream press.” The claim is ridiculous on its face. The following are just some of the most…
STOP THE LIE! Conservatives Like DeSantis Aren’t Erasing Black History
Liberal journalists and some celebrities have spent the last month depicting conservatives (who are merely paring back leftist indoctrination to K-12 kids) as racist bigots whose pushback against the woke agenda in public schools will bring harm to Black Americans. The following are some of the worst examples of leftists in the media attacking conservatives for their pushback against wokeness…
President’s Day Parade (of Quotes): Using History to Spin the News
Journalists love to use past presidents to measure today’s politicians, either to build up those who exemplify their historical liberal heroes, or to belittle conservatives with whom they disagree. Here’s a deep dive into the MRC’s archives showing how the media have used presidents from George Washington to Abraham Lincoln to JFK as talking points in today’s political battles.
The Worst of Yamiche! Alcindor Brings Her Venom to NBC Full-Time
The following are just some of the worst outbursts from Yamiche Alcindor via the NewsBusters archive.
SOTU Round-Up: ‘Mr. Smooth’ Biden Beats Back ‘Bitter and Rude’ GOP
The following are just some of the most absurd (post-SOTU) outbursts from liberal journos, as caught by the NewsBusters staff.
FLASHBACK: Media Slobbering Over Obama’s SOTU Speeches
Joe Biden can never hope to garner the gushing praise the media habitually lavished on his onetime boss, former President Barack Obama. Liberal reporters were always thrilled whenever they were privileged to hear their hero delivering predictable liberal platitudes from the well of the House of Representatives.
FLASHBACK: The Many Liberal Heroes of Barbara Walters
Longtime ABC News personality Barbara Walters died Friday at the age of 93. While she shouldn’t be confused with one of those classless left-wing hacks you see too much of in today’s media landscape (including on her daytime creation The View), Walters nonetheless exhibited a typical Manhattan liberalism that celebrated even the most flawed Democratic partisans.
WORST OF 2022: Celebrity Freak-Out Award
Today we present the WORST OF 2022: Celebrity Freak-Out Award.
WORST OF 2022: The Craziest Analysis Award
Today we present the WORST OF 2022: The Craziest Analysis Award.
WORST OF 2022: The Joy of Hate Award for Joy Reid Rants
Today we present the WORST OF 2022: The Joy of Hate Award for Joy Reid Rants.
WORST OF 2022: Cursing the Conservative Court Award
Today we present the WORST OF 2022: Cursing the Conservative Court Award.
WORST OF 2022: The Media Heroes Award
Today we present the WORST OF 2022: The Media Heroes Award.
TOP 10: The Worst Of Late Night For 2022
Between calls for gun control, the demise of Roe v. Wade, and the regular news cycle, it was a year where the hosts of late night traded in their jokes for liberal rants, lectures, and other wandering pontifications. So, without further ado, here are the top -- or maybe bottom 10 -- moments of late night 2022.