Mario Diaz-Balart

Congresista Díaz-Balart DESTRUYE editorial desdeñoso del Miami Herald
Por alguna extraña razón, le tomó un mes y medio al Miami Herald publicar la candente respuesta del congresista Mario Díaz-Balart al editorial titulado, “Es vergonzoso que congresistas republicanos de promuevan teorías conspirativas”, el cual plantea que los latinos que escuchan radio AM conservadora son “una audiencia fácil de manipular”; y quedó enterrado en la sección de “Cartas al editor”…

Rep. Díaz-Balart DESTROYS Miami Herald in Response to Editorial
Florida Republican Congressman Mario Díaz-Balart's fiery response to a condescending editorial from The Miami Herald was, for some odd reason, published a month and a half after the editorial to which it responds, “It’s a shame Miami’s Republican lawmakers in Congress jumped on the conspiracy-theory train”- which posits that Hispanics listening to conservative AM radio are an "easily…

Florida Republicans Respond to Bullying of the FCC, Miami AM Station
Congressional Republicans have responded to Democrats’ brazen attempt to hijack the communications licensing process in order to impose partisan viewpoint censorship upon a Miami AM radio station.

Spanish Nets Go Nuts Over Their Impeachment ‘Evidence”

Actress Stacey Dash Told to 'Go Die' After Slamming Cuba Trip by Jay-Z

GOP Congressman Lays Into CNN for 'Doing a Disservice' to Struggling A