Thomas Aquinas

Colbert Displays Inept Grasp of Bible While Trying to Bash Sessions
June 15th, 2018 2:47 PM
Stephen Colbert not surprisingly has attempted to use his Catholic faith to make a political point, and unbeknownst to him, he failed at it. He was referring to the incidents at the border involving illegal immigrants and their children. Colbert called attention to how AG Jeff Sessions defended the government’s actions at the border with a quote from Romans.

Time Bureau Chief to Catholic Church: Just Give Up on Abortion
November 17th, 2011 5:52 PM
Time's Tim Padgett regurgitated just about every liberal talking point on abortion in an online column on Thursday which tried to claim that the Catholic Church's pro-life efforts in the U.S. were pointless and out of step with the laity: "Aren't they just wasting our time as well as their own?" Padgett cherry-picked from Church documents and quoted from the infamous pro-abortion front group…