David Kerley

ABC, NBC: Northam KKK Pic Is From ‘Far-Right,' Conservative' Site
February 1st, 2019 8:47 PM
All three evening newscasts on Friday led with the news that Virginia’s Democratic Governor included a racist photo on his medical school yearbook. However, ABC and NBC warned viewers that the 1984 picture, which feature a man in a KKK outfit and another in blackface, “surfaced on a far-right,” “conservative” website. Additionally, none of the networks noted that, separately, Northam used the…

Flashback: Media Loved Obama’s 2011 WHCA Put-Downs of Trump
April 29th, 2017 10:44 AM
President Trump is skipping this year’s White House Correspondents’ Association Dinner, but that hasn’t stopped the media from nevertheless hyping the event. At that same dinner on April 30, 2011, journalists thought it was hilarious when then-President Obama and comedian Seth Meyers lampooned Trump from the stage, while the billionaire businessman sat in the audience. The media loved it.

ABC Hypes IRS's Help Line Wait Times, Smaller Budget; Had No Time for
April 11th, 2014 11:49 PM
On Friday's World News, ABC's David Kerley pressed I.R.S. Commissioner John Koskinen about taxpayers who are unable to "get an answer as to how much they're supposed to pay," due to long wait times on the agency' help line. However, Kerley didn't bother to ask Koskinen about the House Ways and Means Committee's Wednesday vote to refer former IRS official Lois Lerner to the Justice Department…

ABC Eagerly Promoted Michelle Obama's Healthy Eating Plan, But Skips F
August 28th, 2013 1:17 PM
Good Morning America on Wednesday conceded that school districts across the country are dropping a new government-imposed lunch program because, as one student put it, "the food is just nasty." However, no one on GMA pointed out that the plan had been heavily promoted by Michelle Obama. In contrast, back in February, the journalists featured the First Lady for an eight and a half minute segment…
Big Three Hype Social Media Sending Pro-Abortion Filibuster Into 'Stra
June 28th, 2013 6:02 PM
Since Wednesday, ABC, CBS, and NBC's morning and evening newscasts have all played up the social media frenzy over Texas State Senator Wendy Davis' multi-hour filibuster on Tuesday against a pro-life bill. On Friday's Today, NBC's Tamron Hall claimed that the Davis story is "another example of how social media can turn a story into a whole other stratosphere. I think without Twitter and…

ABC Heralds End of 'Airport Armageddon,' Fails to Portray Furloughs Ba
April 26th, 2013 12:07 PM
ABC stubbornly stuck to its talking points on Friday, portraying the furloughs of Federal Aviation Administration employees as "airport armageddon." Despite the fact that even liberal outlets such as Politico spun the ending of the furloughs as a loss for the Democrats, Good Morning America's David Kerley failed to do so. A network graphic trumpeted, "Airport Armageddon Ending? Congress Acting…

ABC Predicted 'Vaporizing' of America for Sequester Cuts, But Now Find
March 6th, 2013 11:22 AM
Surprise! It turns out there is some wasteful spending going on in government. In the weeks leading up to the showdown in Washington, ABC offered story after story lamenting the “massive” government cuts resulting from sequester and warning of criminals running free and a “meat shortage.” Yet on the March 5 World News, David Kerley found that the government has spent $400,000 in the last two…

NB Publisher Bozell Slams 'Squawking Parrots' in Media Who Made Fools
March 4th, 2013 1:43 PM
"The Obama administration couldn’t have made its cheerleaders at ABC, CBS, and NBC look any more foolish," NewsBusters publisher Brent Bozell noted earlier today in reaction to a new study by the Media Research Center's (MRC) Geoff Dickens showing that 66 percent of the broadcast network news coverage of the budget sequestration that took effect on Friday advanced Obama White House talking…

ABC Hypes Obama's Sequester Warnings, Spins Cuts as Sounding 'Like a D
February 25th, 2013 4:41 PM
ABC on Sunday continued to hype Barack Obama's hyperbolic claims about sequester cuts. World News reporter David Kerley played a clip of the President and then insisted that $85 billion in spending "sounds like a disaster movie." Kerley warned, "Child care canceled for tens of thousands of kids. Long airport security lines. Flight delays with a shortage of controllers. And military cuts that…
ABC Hypes 'Hypocrisy and Absurdity' of Lack of Hurricane Sandy Money
January 14th, 2013 12:46 PM
Good Morning America's Dan Harris on Sunday hyped "allegations of hypocrisy and absurdity" against House Republicans, complaining about the amount of money New Jersey and New York will get for Hurricane Sandy. Harris and reporter David Kerley skipped mentioning pork stuffed into such legislation, money that (for example) could go to a new roof for the Smithsonian in Washignton D.C.

ABC Hypes 'Upper Hand' Dems Have on Fiscal Cliff, Risk of Recession
December 3rd, 2012 12:41 PM
ABC News continued to hype the Democratic position on the fiscal cliff, Sunday. World News Reporter David Kerley touted the White House as "confident with the stronger hand in talks with House Republicans, demanding and believing tax rates for the wealthy are going up."
The reporter did play a clip of Boehner rejecting tax increases, but Kerley made sure to point out the Speaker "hasn't…

Nets Try to Use Ryan Tax Returns to Embarrass Romney
August 20th, 2012 8:23 PM
After Paul Ryan released his last two years of tax returns late Friday, reporters on ABC and CBS not only made sure to point out that Ryan paid a higher federal tax rate than the wealthier Mitt Romney, but also noted that he had supplied more than two years to the Romney campaign as part of the vetting process, as if to put additional pressure on Romney and Ryan that they should make more than…

Bozell Column: Paul Ryan Is Not Freddy Krueger
August 14th, 2012 11:02 PM
Mitt Romney made a smart executive decision selecting Paul Ryan as his vice-presidential running mate. Ryan’s genial personality, serious policy wonkery, and political courage have dazzled conservatives and won respect even in a few liberal circles. Romney scores points for political courage as well. He knew liberal politicians and journalists would talk in punishing terms about Ryan’s budget…

ABC's Golodryga Gushes: 'Harry Reid, Always One to Speak His Mind
August 4th, 2012 9:38 AM
On Saturday's Good Morning America on ABC, co-host Bianna Golodryga seemed to admire Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid for making an unsubstantiated charge that Mitt Romney had not paid taxes in 10 years, as she ended a short discussion of the smear by gushing: "Harry Reid, always one to speak his mind," inspiring a chuckle from correspondent David Kerley.