Alan Simpson

Alec Baldwin Producing Documentary on Barney Frank, 'a Personal Hero o
March 28th, 2014 7:11 PM
Little more than a month after Alec Baldwin declared “goodbye to public life,” the liberal actor is back in the news after signing on as an executive producer of a documentary entitled Compared to What: The Improbable Journey of Barney Frank, which will debut on April 27 at the Tribeca Film Festival in lower Manhattan.
Barney Frank -- an openly gay, recently retired Congressman from…
Simpson and Bowles Are Wealthy, Old and White - And That Makes Ed Schu
February 21st, 2013 4:05 PM
Hey, did you know that Ed Schultz used to work as a TV meteorologist? They finally let him go after one too many references to racist cloud patterns.
Yes, I'm kidding, but it's not hard to envision this actually happening. When it comes to gratuitous references to race, Schultz is unrivaled -- except for all those other liberals inclined to do likewise. (audio clips after page break)

Chris Matthews and Alan Simpson Joke About Grover Norquist Drowning
November 28th, 2012 10:37 AM
As the media push Republicans to raise taxes, anti-tax advocate Grover Norquist has been taking a pounding.
This may have reached a high point Tuesday when MSNBC's Chris Matthews and former Senator Alan Simpson (R-WY.) actually joked about Norquist drowning (video follows with transcript and commentary):

Democrats Want Simpson-Bowles Question Barred From Presidential Debate
August 15th, 2012 1:01 PM
If you thought the Democrats would be satisfied with the fact that a solid phalanx of liberals have been chosen to moderate the presidential (and vice-presidential) debates, you would be wrong. Now they want to dictate what questions will be forbidden from being asked at the debates. I kid you not. The Politico reports on the question that the Democrats want to make taboo:
Some Democratic…

Alan Simpson Admits He's a RINO, Says 'Men Legislators Shouldn’t Eve
May 27th, 2012 10:55 AM
Former Senator Alan Simpson (R-Wy.) went on quite an anti-GOP rant Sunday after admitting on CNN's Fareed Zakaria GPS, "I guess I’m known as a RINO now which means Republican In Name Only."
Before taking a shot at tax advocate Grover Norquist - who "[wanders] the earth in his white robes" - Simpson said, "Abortion is a horrible thing, but for heaven sakes, it’s deeply intimate and personal…

Bill Maher: Obama Didn't Support Simpson-Bowles Because Republicans Di
May 26th, 2012 2:14 PM
Bill Maher is either a blithering idiot, a pathological liar, or both.
On HBO's Real Time Friday, the factually-challenged financier of Barack Obama actually had the gall to say the President didn't support the recommendations of his National Commission on Fiscal Responsibility and Reform (aka Simpson-Bowles) because - wait for it! - Republicans didn't support it (video follows with…

Goo-Goo: Luke Russert Decries Simpson-Bowles Defeat
March 29th, 2012 11:43 AM
Simpson-Bowles would have: raised taxes by $1.2 trillion--bumping to 21% the tax share of GDP from the typical 18%; relied largely on defense cuts to reduce spending; retained all $2.5 trillion in ObamaCare spending and done nothing to reform Medicare and Medicaid. No wonder Luke Russert loved it.
Appearing on Chuck Todd's Daily Rundown on MSNBC today, NBC congressional correspondent…

Schieffer Hosts Alan Simpson to Blast Santorum, Calls Simpson One of H
February 24th, 2012 8:16 AM
CBS “Face the Nation” host Bob Schieffer has a mid-week interview offered online called “Face to Face.” On Wednesday, Schieffer welcomed socially liberal former Republican Sen. Alan Simpson. He viciously attacked Rick Santorum -- Republicans "won't have a prayer" of winning with him -- and said the social issues will cause the voters to “take us all to Alaska and float us out in the Bering Sea…

MRC Study: ABC, CBS and NBC Cast GOP as Debt Ceiling Villains
July 27th, 2011 9:46 AM
On Election Day 2010, then-CBS Early Show anchor Harry Smith posed a hypothetical question about newly-elected Republicans to Ann Coulter: “There’ll be a routine vote, for instance, to increase the debt ceiling and the Tea Party guys are going to say, ‘Over my dead body,’ and the government comes to a screeching halt. Then what happens?” The conservative author confidently predicted: “Well, the…
Contessa Brewer Cheers 'Preach It!' After Clip of Former Sen. Simpson
April 12th, 2011 3:14 PM
Every once in a while the folks at MSNBC can get a thrill for a Republican. It just has to be one who's denouncing the right people, you see.
Take Contessa Brewer, who today yelled "Preach It!" in enthusiastic agreement after showing her audience a clip of "truth teller" former Sen. Alan Simpson (R-Wyo.) excoriating the "homophobes" in his party:
Democrats Not Governing, But Lying In Wait
April 5th, 2011 8:00 AM
Do you believe Rep. Paul Ryan when he says we only have a few years left to get our fiscal house in order, or we're going to face European-type austerity? How about the co-chairmen of the bipartisan deficit commission, Alan Simpson and Erskine Bowles, who have essentially issued the same warning?
Have you taken a hard look at President Obama's 10-year budget with a view to whether it would…
Blinders Securely Fastened, Rachel Maddow Proclaims 'There is No Milki
September 6th, 2010 8:18 AM
Looking for someone to investigate theft and questionable spending in government programs? Think twice about hiring Rachel Maddow. The earnest MSNBC polemicist has deemed such a thing impossible, at least when it comes to Social Security.Reacting with the reptilian defensiveness of liberals whenever conservatives suggest Social Security is unsustainable, Maddow made this whopper of a claim on her…
Olbermann Cherry-picks AP to Accuse Alan Simpson of Attacking Veterans
September 1st, 2010 11:15 PM
Keith Olbermann on Wednesday cherry-picked an Associated Press article in order to accuse former Wyoming Sen. Alan Simpson (R) of attacking Vietnam veterans. For some background, AP's Mike Baker wrote Tuesday about concerns Simpson, as the co-chair of President Obama's deficit reduction commission, had involving changes the Veterans Administration made to the number of maladies Vietnam vets could…