David Allen

DUer Questions Integrity of Blog Founder Skinner Over Clinton Payments
April 3rd, 2016 12:44 PM
The Democratic Underground website is currently in an uproar. The overwhelming majority of them, Bernie Sanders supporters, are in stark opposition to the very few on that site who favor Hillary Clinton. Among the few Hillary supporters is the founder of that blog, Skinner aka David Allen, who as we have seen before is an over the top fanboy of Clinton. However, what most folks at DU probably…
Democratic Underground Administrator Posts Absurdly Detailed Rules to
June 21st, 2010 9:23 PM
The leftwing blogosphere has a big problem: dissent. Last week we saw Keith Olbermann leaving the Daily Kos because he was attacked there for mildly criticizing Barack Obama. And this week, the administrator of the Democratic Underground, David Allen aka Skinner, was forced to deal with a recent wave of purges (tombstoning). One reason was due to simple liberal crackup temper tantrums among the…