David Abel

NYT, Boston Globe Discover Years-Long Homelessness Growth in Gotham an
December 10th, 2013 9:03 AM
This month, the Boston Globe and the New York Times have published items on the growth of homelessness in the state of Massachusetts and New York City, respectively. Based on the content of each, it's clear that the topic was ripe for coverage in 2012, but received little if any. I wonder why? (/sarcasm)
The Globe's regular-length news story by Megan Woolhouse and David Abel cited the state's…
Boston Globe Highlights Government-Subsidized Hypocrites In Its Tea-Pa
April 16th, 2010 8:24 AM
Some reporters come to Tea Party rallies not so much to cover them as expose them as hypocritical. On Thursday, Boston Globe reporter David Abel began his story on protests starring Sarah Palin in Boston by highlighting the Shirk family, with ten home-schooled kids – and Medicaid health coverage. For the Shirks, it was a day for their children to seek inspiration from Palin and the other speakers…