Matthew Balan

MSNBC Guest ‘Carefully’ Compares Donald Trump to Joseph Stalin
May 11th, 2017 7:46 PM
A guest on the MSNBC cable channel on Thursday, May 11 -- who had once worked for the KGB intelligence agency -- compared President Donald Trump and his clashes with the Federal Bureau of Investigation to the disdain former Soviet leader Joseph Stalin had for his own secret service.

Piers Morgan Slams Chris Matthews for Comparing Trumps to Romanovs
April 13th, 2017 6:15 PM
While a guest on the Fox News Channel’s weeknight Hannity program on Wednesday, April 12, Piers Morgan -- a former evening host for the Cable News Network and current U.S. editor-at-large on the Daily Mail website -- sharply criticized Chris Matthews, the host of MSNBC’s Hardball program, for insinuating that President Donald Trump and his family might meet a savage end.
CNN's Rick Sanchez Goes After 'Cheap Shot' From NewsBusters
April 19th, 2010 6:08 PM
CNN's Rick Sanchez named me and NewsBusters to "the very top" of his daily 'List That U Don't Want 2 Be On' on his Rick's List show on Monday. Sanchez criticized me for apparently not being able to tell he was "joking" during a segment on April 15 where he stated that "you think it's too cold to have a volcano" in Iceland [audio available here].I have been monitoring the anchor since September…
Is CNN Reaching Out to Conservatives for Publicity
April 8th, 2010 1:23 AM
In what is generally being interpreted by most as a surprise move, CNN has recently decided to cover the Tea Party movement from an angle foreign to most in the main stream media - combating stereotypes that are heavily promoted by liberals. There is no doubt that the piece by Shannon Travis, Reporter's notebook: What really happens at Tea Party rallies, deserves credit for being one of the…