Michael Graham

NYT Loves ‘Maverick’ GOP Voting Dem, Hates ‘Turncoat' Dems Voting GOP
September 18th, 2018 8:07 AM
“Turncoat” is a term the New York Times has recently applied to, among other figures, Benedict Arnold, a Mafia boss, and the poisoned Russian agent Sergei Skirpal. Now it applies to Brooklyn State Sen. Simcha Felder, a Democrat who caucuses with the Republicans and has given the Republicans a one-vote majority in the New York State Senate. Monday’s story read “As Other Disloyal Democrats Suffer,…

Carlson Rips NBC For Defending Reid's 'Crock' About Being Hacked
April 26th, 2018 10:20 AM
On his Wednesday evening Fox News show, Tucker Carlson scorched MSNBC's Joy Reid, described at the New York Times in February as a "Heroine of the Resistance," for claiming that 12 year-old posts at her now-defunct blog were somehow retroactively hacked to make her look even more bigoted against homosexual behavior than the posts she admitted to writing in 2007-2009 back in December.

Conservative Talker Zings Cowardly CNN Re: Charlie Hebdo Cover
January 14th, 2015 3:56 PM
Atlanta-area conservative talk show host Michael Graham got in a good dig at CNN via Twitter this morning. Take a look.
Michael Graham: Brandeis Embraced Bill Ayers, Has Bred Terrorists
April 14th, 2014 9:49 AM
In one of a pair of Sunday posts at his web site, New England talk show host Michael Graham added an emphatic exclamation point to Brent Bozell's and Tim Graham's Saturday column condemning the cowardice and hypocrisy of Brandeis University's decision to revoke its commencement invitation to Ayaan Hirsi Ali. In the other, Graham roasted the Boston Globe for backing Brandeis.
Bozell and Tim…
NAACP's War on Women: Regional Prez Defends Mass. Rep Convicted of Sex
February 11th, 2014 2:08 PM
It may be that we can finally identify the type of criminal conviction which might cause the New England conference of the National Associations for the Advancement of Colored People to call for the removal of a state legislator.
Based on a conversation Boston Herald columnist and radio talk host Michael Graham had with the group's president, it appears that some form of felony conviction…

Fox News Morning Hosts, Guest Slam Media Fury Over Obama Rodeo Clown
August 14th, 2013 11:42 PM
The focus of fiery discussion during Fox News Channel programs on Wednesday morning was the controversy over a rodeo clown at the Missouri State Fair in Sedalia who wore a mask that resembled President Barack Obama and was banned from the event for life as a result.
The hosts of Fox & Friends stated that “presidents have been fodder for jokes before, and nothing happened to those people…

O-kay ... Mike Papantonio Compares Tea Party to Invasive Fish That Fea
December 7th, 2012 8:50 PM
How can you tell when conservatives really annoy a liberal?
When his hyperbole exceeds even the broad parameters of absurdity embraced on the left. Case in point -- attorney and "Ring of Fire" radio show co-host Mike Papantonio's appearance on fellow libtalker Thom Hartmann's show on Wednesday. (audio clip after page break)
AP Says Obama's Uncle, Slapped on Wrist for OUI, Is 'Appealing' Deport
March 27th, 2012 6:04 PM
Leave it to the Associated Press, aka the Administration's Propagandists, to cover for Barack Obama's Uncle Omar, formally known as Onyango Obama. Today, Uncle Omar was given a slap on the wrists so light it's hard to imagine he even felt it.
Today's AP cleanup in Massachusetts arrives via Denise Lavoie, whose principal contribution to the spin is to tell readers that Uncle Omar is "appealing…

Time Reporter Cheers Liberal Actor Damon for 'School[ing]' Libertarian
August 4th, 2011 6:11 PM
Time reporter Megan Gibson apparently considers liberal actor Matt Damon's testy tirade against Reason.tv reporter Michelle Fields as a veritable lecture on the economics of tenured teaching.
"Matt Damon showed his love for teachers — and after this confrontation, we're sure teachers are loving Matt Damon right back," Gibson enthused in an August 3 "Newsfeed" blog post entitled "Watch: Matt…
Conservative Asks Lib 'Are You Literate? Do You Own a Newspaper
November 28th, 2009 4:30 PM
Have you ever been in an argument with a liberal and got so frustrated by the non sequiturs being uttered that you wanted to ask, "Are you literate? Do you own a newspaper?"Well, on Wednesday, conservative talk radio host Michael Graham did exactly that to liberal talker Laura Flanders.Appearing on MSNBC's "The Ed Show," the pair were contentiously debating the need for healthcare reform when…