Orly Taitz

Lawrence O'Donnell Goes Ballistic On Birther Orly Taitz, Cuts Off Her
April 27th, 2011 10:25 PM
MSNBC's Lawrence O'Donnell abruptly ended an interview with queen birther Orly Taitz Wednesday after screaming at her for several minutes.
Things turned ugly when "The Last Word" host refused to allow his guest to discuss President Obama's Selective Service certificate and Taitz responded by saying, "Your program is nothing but Obama propaganda machine" (video follows with commentary):
MSNBC’s Matthews Roots for Birther Candidate Taitz to ‘Bring Down
June 9th, 2010 9:10 AM
Appearing on the 10:00 p.m. edition of MSNBC’s Countdown show on Tuesday to discuss the day’s primary election results, Chris Matthews expressed his delight that Orly Taitz – a prominent member of the birther movement that pushes the bizarre theory that President Obama was not really born in America – won the Republican nomination for secretary of state in California, and expressed his hope that…
Al Gore's Current TV Calls Sarah Palin a 'Gun-Ho' and a 'TWILF
November 15th, 2009 11:58 AM
Days after announcing another huge layoff, Al Gore's Current TV referred to former Alaska Governor Sarah Palin as a "Gun-Ho" and a "TWILF."These disgraceful, sexually-charged epithets were part of an attack on prominent conservatives such as Rush Limbaugh and Glenn Beck, and came in the form of a cartoon ironically titled "The Stupid Virus":When a lab-monkey declares that President Obama wasn't…
WaPo Offers Prominent Article to 'Birther,' But Ignored 9/11 'Truthers
October 7th, 2009 10:54 PM
In its ongoing effort to embarrass conservatives, Tuesday's Washington Post devoted a large front-page Liza Mundy Style section profile to Orly Taitz, one of the leaders of the "birther" crusade to prove President Obama was not born in America. Along with a Jacqueline Salmon profile in July on Randall Terry (shortly after he made waves for saying murdered abortionist George Tiller reaped what he…