Joe Wurzelbacher

Libtalker Mike Malloy Actually Pines for Duel With Joe the Plumber
May 28th, 2014 8:11 PM
There he goes again, fantasizing about inflicting violence. Back in March, left-wing radio host Mike Malloy went off on a characteristically unhinged rant and threatened that "I will shoot you!" to an unnamed National Rifle Association board member.
This time it's former GOP congressional candidate Joe Wurzelbacher, aka Joe the Plumber, in Malloy's sights after Wurzelbacher wrote a response…

Cleveland Plain Dealer Hypes Letter Circulated Against 'Joe the Plumbe
June 22nd, 2012 12:22 PM
Update (June 25, 5:48 p.m. EDT): Wurzelbacher has responded in a blog post at RedState, linking to a Smart Girl Politics post which noted that "[o]f the thirty-one signatories [of the anti-Wurzelbacher letter], all but six are registered Democrats or have made financial contributions to Democratic candidates or PACs."
"A viral campaign video in which Samuel 'Joe the Plumber' Wurzelbacher…

'Joe the Plumber' Fires Back at CNN Host: 'So This Is TMZ
March 8th, 2012 2:46 PM
In a heated exchange Thursday between CNN’s Zoraida Sambolin and Samuel Wurzelbacher, also known as “Joe the Plumber,” Sambolin dug up comments he made about “gay people” in 2009, causing Wurzelbacher to quip that "this is TMZ. This isn't CNN, is what you're saying."
Sambolin also questioned his qualifications to run for office, and mislabeled his liberal opponent as a "conservative Democrat…
Huckabee: Obama's 'Redistribution' Extends Beyond Wealth to Health Car
November 17th, 2009 9:49 AM
Joe the Plumber was certainly on to something when he got then-candidate Barack Obama to admit he wanted to redistribute the wealth, according to former Republican presidential candidate and Arkansas governor Mike Huckabee. Huckabee, who now hosts a show aired on the weekends on the Fox News Channel, told "On The Record" host Greta Van Sustren on Nov. 16 that Obama's policies go beyond just the…
Time's Klein Slams 'White-Bread Fantasy' of Reagan's 'Morning in Amer
July 7th, 2009 12:36 PM
Republicans, particularly those who are the biggest fans of Gov. Sarah Palin, are stuck in the vestiges of the 1984 "white-bread fantasy" of Reagan's "Morning in America," huffs Time magazine's Joe Klein in a July 6 Swampland blog post on "Sarah Palin's America":All this talk about Sarah Palin's constituency being "real Americans" raises the question, yet again, of who the unreal Americans are.…
Hypocritical Olbermann Maligns Hume for Using 'Lunatic-Fringe' MRC
March 21st, 2009 9:10 AM
The Media Research Center's annual “DisHonors Awards,” held Thursday night, furnished MSNBC's Keith Olbermann with comments to ridicule, but his rants exposed his own hypocrisy. As Brit Hume accepted our “William F. Buckley Jr. Award for Media Excellence” he thanked the MRC for providing information he could use, leading Olbermann to denounce Hume at the top of Friday's Countdown: “Brit Hume's…
Adventures in Context-ripping; WaPo's Seizes on Joe the Plumber 'Horny
March 20th, 2009 4:26 PM
As if out to prove our point about media bias, the Washington Post's Mary Ann Akers seized on a one-liner by Joe "the Plumber" Wurzelbacher made last night at the MRC Gala and DisHonors Awards. Wurzelbacher, accepting the "Obamagasm Award" on behalf of ABC's Bill Weir, made a crack playing off the orgasmic delight that Chris Matthews and others in the media expressed after watching then-candidate…
Interviews from NewsBusters at CPAC
March 5th, 2009 9:38 PM
There were many famous people at CPAC this year and I was lucky enough to run into some of them. And some of those I ran into even let me ask them a few questions about media bias. The resulting videos are embedded below the fold.The four interviews I was able to get where with Joe the Plumber, John Ziegler, George Phillips, and Roger Simon. Each have unique experiences with liberal media bias…
Washington Post Dismisses Joe the Plumber as 'Leftover Artifact' From
February 26th, 2009 12:45 PM
Washington Post staff writer Paul Farhi penned a nasty little critique of Samuel "Joe the Plumber" Wurzelbacher in Thursday's paper, deriding the conservative critic of Barack Obama as "a leftover artifact from a forgotten time." Grouping Wurzelbacher in with other "campaign distractions," Farhi panned, "He's Clara Peller, Willie Horton or Gennifer Flowers -- names that are the questions in a '…
LA Times Compares Shoe Hurler To Joe Wurzelbacher
December 16th, 2008 2:57 AM
While the mainstream media whines that everyone should just "move on" from the Blagojevich scandal, they continue to harp on any conservative who was involved with McCain-Palin campaign. Los Angeles Times writer Tina Susman took a shot at Joe Wurzelbacher on Monday and compared him to Iraqi journalist and part-time shoe thrower Muntather Zaidi.(my emphasis throughout:) In the few seconds it took…
Paging Joe the Plumber: Obama Still Wants To Spread The Wealth
December 7th, 2008 10:58 AM
Given the flap that ensued when he famously told Joe the Plumber that he wanted to "spread the wealth," I figured Barack Obama wouldn't be making such a suggestion again anytime soon. I figured wrong.Pres.-elect Obama to Tom Brokaw on today's Meet The Press:I think the important principle, because sometimes when we start talking about taxes, and I say I want a more balanced tax code, people…
Matthews Picks Wrong Day To Mock Joe The Plumber on Ghostwriter
December 1st, 2008 8:17 PM
Note to Chris Matthews: when mocking someone for using a ghostwriter, it's best to avoid doing so on a day when Hillary Clinton is prominently in the news . . . On this evening's Hardball, Matthews went out of his way to mock Joe The Plumber for his use of a ghostwriter on his just-released book. This on the day Hillary Clinton was in the headlines, having been named Barack Obama's Secretary of…