Fast Money

False! Bill Clinton Says 'We Make Everything Public' at Foundation
September 22nd, 2016 2:40 PM
Cameron Cawthorne at the Washington Free Beacon offered a clear case for the "fact checkers" at PolitiFact and other sites of a Bill Clinton fib on CNBC. He claimed that "we make everything public, we disclose everything" in the land of Clinton philanthropy. This turns out to be Trumpian bluster.
Clinton also slammed the political press for having "no previous exposure to the way we work," which…

Harwood Labels VA Gov. McAuliffe a Republican Under FBI Investigation
May 23rd, 2016 6:36 PM
Breaking the news to CNBC viewers early Monday evening about Virginia Governor Terry McAuliffe being investigated by the FBI, chief Washington correspondent John Harwood slipped and referred to McAuliffe as “the second consecutive Republican Governor to face a corruption investigation” following predecessor and actual Republican Bob McDonnell.
Former Yahoo CEO: Jon Stewart's Worth $100 Million Per Year
February 12th, 2015 2:48 PM
On Tuesday night, liberal comedian Jon Stewart announced that he would be departing The Daily Show later this year to pursue other professional endeavors. Following Stewart’s decision to end his 16 year run at Comedy Central, many in the media have wondered what his next move would be, including former Yahoo CEO Ross Levinsohn who argued that he would pay Stewart $100 million per year for a new…

CNBC: Stocks Rise on 'Growing Expectations' of Obama Reelection
February 29th, 2012 2:15 PM
On CNBC's Behind the Money blog on Wednesday, Fast Money executive producer John Melloy promoted a left-leaning theory as to why the stock market has been on the rise lately: "While President Obama may not be Wall Street's ideal candidate, stock prices are rising on growing expectations he will be re-elected this November."
Melloy pointed to long-term political certainty as a reason for…
CNBC's Najarian: Drilling Moratorium 'Shows a Tone-Deafness From This
September 2nd, 2010 6:29 PM
With a 9.6 percent unemployment rate overall in the United States and unemployment rates showing an uptick in states on the Gulf of Mexico that allow offshore oil drilling, one has to wonder what the Obama administration is thinking its Draconian wide-sweeping moratorium halting deepwater drilling in the Gulf after the BP oil spill. While environmentalists are using today's explosion on a oil…
CNBC's Rick Santelli Blasts Financial Reform Proposals for Excluding F
March 12th, 2010 10:39 AM
Back on Christmas Eve of 2009, Obama's Treasury Dept. said it would lift the limits on what the federal government could provide in "emergency aid" to Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac - without seeking Congressional permission. Very few reporters noticed, except for The Washington Post's Zachary Goldfarb who reported the story on Christmas Day and CNBC CME Group reporter and tea party inspiration…
Larry Summers: Blame Bad Weather for Unemployment Figures
March 2nd, 2010 6:14 PM
President Obama continuously tries to portray himself as a friend to the little-man, middle class and small business. Hence his attacks on "fat cats" who "just don't get it," while labeling the extravagant bonuses as "obscene," and "the height of irresponsibility." Meanwhile, members of his administration, in defending a sweeping small-business aid program Obama announced in his State of the…
CNBC's Santelli Brandishes Hammer to Illustrate Obamanomics
February 3rd, 2010 11:40 AM
As the old cliché goes, you don't use a sledgehammer to crack a nut, but according to Rick Santelli, that's exactly what it appears the Obama administration is doing terms of financial regulation and fiscal discipline. On CNBC's Feb. 2 broadcast of "Fast Money," host Melissa Lee proposed that taxing the wealthy is not the path to "economic prosperity and fiscal stability." Santelli, the network'…
Vintage Santelli: PelosiCare Threat to Recovery; Dow Climb Due to Mark
November 6th, 2009 10:26 PM
A rising Dow Jones Industrial Average (DJIA) means better times are on the way, right? Not necessarily, according to CNBC CME floor reporter and tea party movement inspiration Rick Santelli. Santelli made an appearance on CNBC's Nov. 6 "Fast Money," a show which the host, Melissa Lee, is skittish about a discussion that politics interferes with the market is a reality. Nonetheless, Santelli…
CNBC's Terranova: Missile Defense Decision Will Send Oil Higher
September 18th, 2009 11:03 AM
Back during 2008, Congressional leaders were eager to call oil executives to testify before them because of the high price of gasoline, which was tied to the higher prices of oil. On Sept. 17, President Barack Obama surprised a lot of people and announced he was pulling the mat out from under two Eastern European allies - Poland and the Czech Republic - when he decided not to go forward with a…
Media, Obama Gearing Up for 'Stimulus, The Sequel
July 8th, 2009 3:46 PM
"Fool me once, shame on you; fool me twice, shame on me" That's a saying once bungled by President George W. Bush, to the loud delight of the liberal media. But that same media should keep it in mind as Washington mulls a second round of stimulus spending. A July 7 Bloomberg story by Shamim Adam reported that Laura Tyson, an economic advisor to the Obama administration, had put forward the…
More Trouble at CNBC? Network's Macke Reportedly at Odds with Manageme
May 22nd, 2009 3:32 PM
Is there another shakeup imminent at CNBC? Since the economy has been on the rocks, NBC Universal's financial network has been in the spotlight - political tug-of-war and all. This time, another one of the network's star on-air personalities, Jeff Macke, could be out. Macke had been a cynical, sometimes conservative voice on CNBC's "Fast Money" and in other CNBC and MSNBC appearances, often…
'Fast Money' Cast Debunks Legend of 'Dr. Doom' Roubini
May 12th, 2009 2:27 PM
He's beloved by the gossip culture of Manhattan and was recently embraced by the left for hurling insults at CNBC "Mad Money" host Jim Cramer. But as Cramer's CNBC "Fast Money" colleagues explained, if you listened to NYU professor Nouriel Roubini, you would have missed out on a lot of stock market upside. Roubini, often called Dr. Doom and known for crazy parties, predicted back in 2005 the…