William Cohen

PBS Empathizes With Clinton Defense Sec on Fascist Trump, Useless GOP
Bianna Golodryga hosted Wednesday’s edition of Amanpour & Co. (airing on CNN International and tax-funded PBS) and commiserated with William Cohen, former “Republican” Defense Secretary to Democratic president Bill Clinton, about the awful state of the Republican Party in the wake of Donald Trump’s third indictment: "So given what you have just laid out, on top of news,…

How Kind! CNN: GOP ‘Endorses Violence and Lies,’ Now ‘Party of Putin’
With the January 6 hearings well underway, the media and Democrats want to keep the focus on bashing the Republican Party and portraying them as an extremist party ahead of the midterm elections. So for Monday’s Don Lemon Tonight on CNN, Lemon and former Defense Secretary and Senator William Cohen added to the mix stating outright, that that these people rely on violence and “write laws which…

CNN: American Foreign Policy Hinges on 'Crucial' Big Biden Spending
CNN Newsroom host and former Obama State Department official Jim Sciutto, along with former Clinton Defense Secretary William Cohen, came up with a new reason to support the Democrats' massive partisan spending bill on Thursday: American foreign policy depends on it.

Andrea Mitchell's Guest Blames 'White Rage' For Capitol Riot
Americans of all races and political persuasions want those who rioted at the Capitol on Wednesday to be brought to justice, so it was disheartening, but not necessarily surprising when former Republican senator from Maine and Clinton Secretary of Defense William Cohen spread the blame on Monday's Andrea Mitchell Reports by blaming "white people" and their "white rage."

Hysterical CNN Fears 'Dictator' Trump Installing 'Loyalists'
CNN took a break from its constant calling for Trump to concede to election to wildly speculate about Trump consolidating power in the Department of Defense. On Wednesday morning’s New Day, the leftist-aligned network seemed determine to promote the idea that Trump is up to something nefarious, but could offer no evidence to back up its claims.

Amanpour Cues Up Liberal GOPer to Fearmonger Over Trump
On Tuesday's Amanpour & Co. on PBS and CNN International, host Christiane Amanpour gave former Senator William Cohen -- a liberal Republican from Maine -- an unchallenged forum to bash President Donald Trump and spread misinformation against Republicans.

CNN's Sciutto Invites Clinton Defense Secretary to Bash McSally

Morning Joe: 'Dear Leader' Trump Is 'King' Of A 'Cult'

Andrea Mitchell Agrees That ‘Traditional Media Has Become Irrelevant’