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Regional Media

EXPOSED: Children’s Hospital Offers Puberty Blockers to Nine-Year-Olds
October 3rd, 2022 2:29 PM
Barbara Bush Children’s Hospital in Maine has what it calls a "Gender Clinic" that offers various gender transition services to "trans" children seeking "gender-affirming care," Libs of TikTok revealed.

Huh? MSNBC Hypes Canada 'Intervening' With U.S. 2024 Election
January 9th, 2022 5:38 PM
On his MSNBC show, Jonathan Capehart highlights a Canadian newspaper headline about the possibility of Canada intervening in the US if Trumpism wins and the US is seen as "hurtling toward possible violence and autocracy." And guest Fiona Hill describes Canadian concerns that many Americans will try to cross the border into Canada as "refugees" in 2024.

Liberal Outlets Hype Non-Peer Reviewed Study to Whine About Alcohol
May 28th, 2021 11:24 AM
Liberal outlets are trying to scare readers again about alcohol consumption. They are pushing a study that hasn’t been peer-reviewed to claim any alcohol consumption will damage the brain.

Save the Media!
April 2nd, 2020 2:55 PM
I confess to a certain self-interest in today's column. The media, especially newspapers, are in trouble. Conservatives like myself have been relentless in attacking their collective bias over the years, but as more of them fold or reduce staff, it is crucial the institution be saved. Margaret Sullivan, a columnist for The Washington Post, has suggested that federal bailout money should be…

WIMPS: Iowa Newspaper REFUSES to Apologize for Trying to Ruin King
September 26th, 2019 11:54 PM
With a stench of arrogance that can only emanate from the news media, Des Moines Register executive editor Carol Hunter published a Thursday night column expressing no apologies for their campaign to ruin viral sensation Carson King “because readers depend on us to tell a complete story” and, as per her past statement, was done for “the public good.”

Character Assassination: Paper Mauls Man Raising Money to Fight Cancer
September 25th, 2019 2:04 AM
Illustrating the putrid state of the liberal media and their gleeful embrace of the “cancel culture,” the Gannett-owned Des Moines Register and reporter Aaron Calvin decided late Tuesday to impugn the character of Iowa State-fan-turned-cancer fundraiser Carson King using tweets from when the 24-four-year-old Iowan was 16.Their reason? It was just “a routine background check” and done for “the…

CBS's Embarrassing ‘Fact-Check’: People Want to Live in Baltimore
July 29th, 2019 8:59 PM
During Monday’s CBS Evening News, floundering new anchor Norah O’Donnell touted a report by correspondent Jeff Pegues as a “fact-check” of the President’s claim that Baltimore was a city “no human being would want to live”. A “fact-check” that failed miserably.

UK Outlet, The Telegraph Pays Damages to Melania Over Cover Story
January 28th, 2019 11:49 AM
Accountability from the media? Say it ain’t so, Brian Stelter! It’s been a banner couple of weeks for fake news. First there was Buzzfeed’s reckless insistence on unverifiable Trump collusion, and then there was the sick media feeding frenzy over the “racist” Covington Kids that weren’t racist. But there was a third that maybe you haven’t heard about: The Telegraph’s (U.K.) fabricated expose on…

NYT Reminded of Nazis as European 'Far Right' Pounces on Fake News
December 21st, 2018 8:29 PM
New York Times Berlin bureau chief Katrin Bennhold managed to make a shocking case of German media malpractice all about Trump, and fretted about how the “far right” in Europe would pounce on the controversy to tar the media, in “German Reporter Made Up Stories and Now Critics Are ‘Popping the Corks.’" Bennhold classlessly dragged the Nazis into the mix, putting the genocidal dictatorship in the…

Nets Ignore 'Switchblade' Attack Against GOPer Running in California
September 11th, 2018 11:05 PM
Republican Congressional candidate Rudy Peters, who’s running against Democratic incumbent Eric Swalwell in California, was attacked by an assailant wielding a “switchblade” while campaigning at the Castro Valley Falls Festival on Sunday. The news of the attack reached national attention Tuesday afternoon yet none of the major network broadcasters (ABC, CBS, and NBC) thought it was worth…
Lay Off Boris Johnson -- and Us, for That Matter
August 17th, 2018 2:31 PM
WASHINGTON -- A fellow Spectatorian is under enemy fire, and we all must rally around him, particularly because he has done nothing wrong and because if those attacking him triumph, we shall all suffer. The cause is free speech. The free speech that is endangered is in Great Britain, but if the forces of censorship win in London, it is only a matter of time before the forces of censorship will be…

AP, Stelter Hide Truth About Leftists Behind NJ's Media Handout Law
July 6th, 2018 7:10 PM
The Free Press Action Fund, the far-left group that lobbied for the just-passed New Jersey "Civic Info Bill," which authorizes $5 million of taxpayer money for "grants to strengthen local news coverage," is getting an underserved but predictable free pass from the establishment press. Two prominent cheerleaders include the Associated Press and CNN's Brian Stelter.

Shocking Year of Media Indifference Over Three Threats on Paul's Life
July 4th, 2018 6:50 PM
There were two developments Monday in the disgraceful year-long, media-underplayed saga involving threats on Kentucky Republican Senator Rand Paul's life. First, federal prosecutors appealed the 30-day sentence given to Rene Boucher, who violently assaulted Paul in November. Meanwhile, as NewsBusters' Nicholas Fondacro noted in a separate Monday evening post, Capitol Police arrested a man who…

Reuters Editor to Trump, Post-Annapolis: 'Blood Is on Your Hands'
June 29th, 2018 6:12 AM
Thursday afternoon, in a tweet which has since been deleted, Thomson Reuters Global Editor for "Breakingviews" editor Rob Cox sent out a tweet which directly blamed President Donald Trump for the mass shooting which occurred at the Capital Gazette newspaper's newsroom in Annapolis, Maryland. It read, in part: "Blood is on your hands, Mr. President." In a Thursday evening release about Cox's tweet…