
Stewart, Oliver Claim America Has Entered 'Monarchy Era'
HBO’s Last Week Tonight host John Oliver made a surprise return to Comedy Central and The Daily Show on Monday to play the role of a British irredentist who was welcoming the U.S. to its “monarchy era” after years of checks and balances have allegedly been thrown away by Republicans in the Trump era.

Donald Trump’s Worldwide Election
Winning the 2024 election was only the beginning — the Trump effect is now sweeping the globe. From Canada to the U.K. and continental Europe, left-liberal governments are tottering while right-leaning voters, especially young men, gravitate toward populist politics and take inspiration from Donald Trump’s success in America. It’s almost as if Trump himself were on the ballot in other advanced…

ROUNDUP: 9 Outlets Simping for UK's Starmer Following Musk Rebuke
What does the media decide to do when the world’s richest man draws attention to a government coverup of one of the biggest child rape scandals in years? Simp for the politicos accused of being tied to the coverup.

Is This the Craziest Trigger Warning Yet?
Trigger warnings are the new normal. Everything from “Dumbo” to “Goodfellas” have been slapped with warnings for anyone coming across the content in question.

Socialized Medicine: The Consequences
BELFAST, NORTHERN IRELAND – The new British Prime Minister, Keir Starmer, has commented on a report he commissioned that found the UK’s National Health Service (NHS) is in a deplorable condition. The report’s findings echoed media investigations of the past which discovered unacceptably long waits for treatment, hospital structures that are crumbling, patients dying unnecessarily, patients on…

Tongue Bath: Biden Calls into ‘Morning Joe’, Serenaded by Joe & Mika
With Joe Biden’s presidency in peril over the left finally admitting publicly he has little grasp of his basic faculties and more voices demanding he withdraw from the 2024 race, Biden went to his happy places on Monday with a surprise call to MSNBC’s Morning Joe, his favorite news show and helmed by two of his top liberal media lemmings, co-hosts Joe Scarborough and wife Mika…

Netflix Dramedy Diverges From Hollywood Norm with Wholesome Episodes
Everyone loves a good underdog story. Unfortunately, though, Hollywood inserts so much liberal propaganda into almost every production these days, it’s hard to find a good one anymore. So, when a gem like Netflix’s charming Geek Girl comes along, without any agenda tied to it, it’s like a breath of fresh air. This is a show the whole family can enjoy.

Oliver Rants At Conservative 'C****, F***pigs' In UK Election Preview
HBO’s John Oliver will occasionally use Last Week Tonight to try to educate American viewers on a subject they know little about, but the subject of Oliver’s Sunday wrath this time was not the dictatorship of Turkmenistan, but his native Britain’s Conservative Party which is down in the polls ahead of their July 4 election. Being the host of a nominal comedy show gave Oliver the…

Nigel Farage Makes the Trump Moment Permanent
First came Brexit, then came Trump — and now it’s happening again. In June 2016, Britain voted to leave the European Union. This month, Brexit’s mastermind, Nigel Farage, returned to the fore of British politics. He’s running in next month’s U.K. general election, but Farage’s real aim isn’t to get a seat in Parliament; it’s to replace the Conservative Party with a new populist force of his…

CBS Travels To Britain To Attack Trump As 'Misogynistic, Racist'
As the presidential election kicks into high gear, CBS Saturday Morning hit the road to seek the opinions of a group of people who will have zero impact on the results: the British, and more specifically, Brits who think Donald Trump is a racist and a misogynist.

Princess Kate and Democracy’s Discontents
Unelected pundits unceasingly tell us democracy is in danger. Yet as voters grit their teeth for a Biden-Trump rematch, they might wonder whether democracy is such a great thing in the first place. Was it all a mistake to ditch George III for this? The U.K. has free elections just as we do. But when a prime minister is as unpopular as, say, Rishi Sunak is right now, nobody worries that Britain…

A World Order, If You Can Keep It
With the exception of Pearl Harbor, the Western Hemisphere escaped World War II mostly unscathed. It also led, to paraphrase Japanese Adm. Isoroku Yamamoto's alleged quote, a sleeping giant to wake up in the form of the United States. With Europe and Asia in rubble, the threat of the Soviets replacing the Nazis, and China falling to the communists, men like Winston Churchill, Harry Truman, and…

Taibbi Alleges ‘Digital Brownshirts’ at CCDH Falsified Charity Status
Twitter Files journalist Matt Taibbi broke the news that the censorship outfit Center for Countering Digital Hate (CCDH) allegedly misrepresented itself to the IRS to gain tax-exempt status.
Why Voters Are Still Supporting Trump
Why is Donald Trump so resilient? As 2023 draws to a close, the ex-president is on track to win the Republican nomination and beat Joe Biden next November. If the election were today, Trump would get his second term. Yet he’s charged with crimes that run a gamut from election interference to mishandling classified information. He’s under gag orders and lost a $5 million civil suit this year.…