Hanna Rosin

NPR Extends 'Unholy Week' With Feminist-Socialist Barbara Ehrenreich A
April 13th, 2014 9:12 AM
It started sounding like Unholy Week on NPR. On the national show “Fresh Air,” one day after Bart Ehrman insisted Jesus didn’t see himself as God, host Terry Gross brought on another atheist author, Barbara Ehrenreich. The segment was titled "A Nonbeliever Tries to Make Sense of the Visions She Had as a Teen."
Or as Hanna Rosin summarized it for Slate: “Could Barbara Ehrenreich, fourth-…
TIME: 'Men Are Obsolete: Five Reasons We Are Definitely Witnessing The
January 2nd, 2014 11:32 AM
In 2006, New York Times columnist Maureen Dowd published a book with the inflammatory title "Are Men Necessary?"
Eight years later, feminist author Hanna Rosin wrote a piece for TIME magazine Thursday with the substantially more inflammatory title "Men Are Obsolete: Five Reasons We Are Definitely Witnessing The End of Men":
WashPost Publicizes Gay Bus Crusade Against 'Oppressive' Conservative
April 13th, 2007 5:02 PM
The Washington Post Style section on Friday featured a front-page story on the gay-left group Soulforce and their so-called "Equality Ride" to conservative Christian colleges trying to stir up fights and publicity. Hanna Rosin's story was headlined "Young, Gay Christians On A Bumpy Bus Ride."