Ted Lieu

Sticks, Stones, and Worse Amid Threats of Political Violence
Most people are familiar with the phrase “sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me.” The incendiary rhetoric that has engulfed our political system has demonstrated that especially violent words can cause hurt, even death, to others. The most recent example is a California man who showed up last week at the Maryland home of Associate Justice Brett Kavanaugh. Police…

Bad Theology, Dumb Stunt: Dem Lieu Misrepresents Christianity and LGBT
Democratic Rep. Ted Lieu took the opportunity to display his blatant ignorance of Christianity in a speech on the house floor…
Bad Government Brings Bad Inflation
Inflation is the worst in 40 years. The price of cars is up 37%. Gas is up 49%. During the last few years, as politicians spent ever more money, experts told us not to worry. Jerome Powell, chair of the Federal Reserve, said inflation would be “transitory.” Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen said, “I don't anticipate inflation is going to be a problem.” Now she says, “I'm ready to retire the word…

PANIC! CNN Hosts Fret McConnell Will Block Biden Supreme Court Pick
On Tuesday's several CNN hosts fretted over the possibility that Republican Senator Mitch McConnell, if he becomes majority leader, will be block President Joe Biden from replacing liberal Supreme Court Justice Stephen Breyer if his seat become vacant. Alisyn Camerota seemed even more concerned about the issue than her guest, Democratic Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee.

Ouch: Maher Slams Liberals Trying to Shield China Over COVID-19

MSNBC's Melber Sets Up Ted Lieu to Trash Fox for Fake Virus News

MSNBC's Jansing Laments GOP Doesn't Know 'What's Right'

Twitchy Smells Some Smollett in 'Go Home' Supermarket Squabble

S.E. Cupp Battles Dem Congressman for ‘Scaring’ Voters on Tax Reform
We Need Fallacy Control Now!

ABC Eagerly Touts Chuck Schumer’s Lefty Economic Plans

WashPost Goes Gaga for Liberal Dem Lieu, Swoons Over His Nasty Tweets

Maher Uses Incest Jokes, Hitler, & 'America's Hamas' to Slime Trump