Adrian Fenty

Mika Brzezinski Bemoans Gov. Walker's Holdout: 'The Union Has Given Bl
March 8th, 2011 3:50 PM
The Wisconsin public sector unions, in agreeing to compromise on their pensions and benefits in exchange for collective bargaining, have apparently done all they could to negotiate with the state's governor – according to "Morning Joe" co-host Mika Brzezinski Tuesday. The self-confessed Democrat for whom appeal to sentiment is second-nature, Brzezinski painted the governor as "cold" and "…
Media Favoritism? MSNBC’s Shuster Reports Democratic D.C. Mayor Got
February 12th, 2010 3:54 PM
Even though his cable TV news network may not have that many viewers in relative terms to his competitors, MSNBC's David Shuster apparently has some clout when it comes to getting things done in Washington, D.C. - at least on a municipal level. Shuster, making effort to give his viewers some "perspective" of his personal experience with the reason record-breaking snowfall in Washington, D.C.,…
Newsweek: Gun-banning Mayor 'Weighs Options' Post-Heller Ruling
June 27th, 2008 11:05 AM
The ink was hardly dry on the June 26 ruling overturning Washington, D.C.'s handgun ban when Newsweek started the hand-wringing about how the city's political establishment would react.Rather than profiling D.C. resident Dick Heller, the victor in the lawsuit, or officials from gun rights groups on their next move in challenging other gun bans with yesterday's precedent, Newsweek sought to press…
ABC's Greenburg Gives 2nd Amendment Fair Shot
March 18th, 2008 8:24 AM
Could this photo be a first? It shows a card-carrying member of the MSM shooting a handgun. That's Jan Crawford Greenburg, an ABC News legal correspondent. The clip, pun intended, of Greenburg on the firing range was part of a segment she narrated on today's Good Morning America on a case to be argued before the Supreme Court today. At issue is the District of Columbia's law banning handguns…
D.C. Mayor Takes Democratic Outreach to 'Leather Weekend
January 24th, 2008 3:12 PM
Here’s a story worth remembering the next time you hear the national media declaring in earnest tones that the Democrats will shrink the "God gap" by talking fluently of their own faith and making a serious play for conservative and traditional religious voters. They still have to play to their own libertine-left base – and it can be a rather exotic base. The D.C.-based gay publication Metro…
CBS’s Smith: Most Blacks ‘Feel Discrimination’; Wonders ‘Is Th
January 21st, 2008 1:07 PM
On Monday’s CBS "Early Show," co-host Harry Smith talked to two liberal politicians, the black Governor of Massachusetts, Deval Patrick, and black mayor of Washington D.C., Adrian Fenty, about Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.’s legacy and asked Fenty: You know, if we look at this statistically, it's not a particularly bright picture. I want to just put up a couple of statistics very quickly here. The…