Bill In Portland Maine

Daily Kos: Tom Brokaw, Chuck Todd Make NBC 'Conservative
March 2nd, 2013 3:19 PM
Over at the Daily Kos, Bill in Portland Maine wished Happy Birthday to his favorite economic truth-teller Paul Krugman, as he added “I admit I don’t know a fiduciary whatzamahoozie from a hole in the ground.”
But the really comical paragraph came on Friday, as he summarized the “vapidity” of this weekend’s Sunday shows, and just as the Kosmonauts think Bob Woodward is a Breitbart replica,…

Daily Kos on Uppers: Just Hours From Gallup Finding '20 Point Democrat
September 6th, 2012 2:27 PM
The left-wing hysteria over how well the Democratic Convention is going has completely overtaken the senses of bloggers scribbling at the Daily Kos. In his regular “Cheers and Jeers” blog, the gay activist and “booger of change” known as Bill in Portland, Maine can already see a massive polling bounce approaching:
CHEERS to Night 3 This is it, kids," he wrote. "The final night before Gallup…