Trey Parker

M'Kay: IndieWire Knocks 'South Park' as ‘Transphobic,’ 'Hateful'
November 21st, 2019 11:28 AM
Last week, South Park aired a classic episode that skewered the trans athlete phenomenon. But IndieWire author Jude Dry, whose pronouns are listed on Twitter as “they/them/theirs,” was not amused. Dry's IndieWire article this Wednesday hilariously claimed the episode “provoked an immediate and universal backlash,” (only if backlash means laughter).

‘South Park’ Flips on Global Warming: ‘Al Gore Was Right All Along’
November 8th, 2018 1:06 AM
Without addressing the issue by name, it appears as though South Park has changed its tune on global warming in season 22 episode six, titled “Time to get Cereal,” which aired on Wednesday night.

‘South Park’ Opens Season 22 with 5 School Shootings
September 27th, 2018 1:56 AM
South Park once again opened up their latest season by intentionally embroiling themselves in controversy over a touchy subject. Forget about depicting the Prophet Mohammed, the Comedy Central show's 22nd season began on Wednesday with 5 school shootings, all met with little reaction from the townsfolk.

South Park: Election is Choice Between ‘Giant Douche, Turd Sandwich'
September 15th, 2016 12:36 AM
The much-anticipated premiere of South Park’s 20th season did not disappoint, featuring just the right level of timely, raunchy, bipartisan satire for which the show is known. In the episode “Member Berries,” creators Trey Parker and Matt Stone take on the National Anthem, female comics, and the presidential election in a way only South Park can.

Bozell Column: The Atheist Mormon-Trashing Musical
March 26th, 2011 8:08 AM
Trey Parker and Matt Stone, the perpetually immature creators of the filthy cartoon “South Park,” have spent years delivering product sure to please high school sophomores and L.A. Times film critics. But the problem with toilet humor is that eventually the commode is filled. They have crossed so many lines of decency on television and in cinema that they need a new frontier to muck.
To great…
'Big Fan' Jake Tapper Offers One-Sided Puff Piece on Vulgar Mormon-Moc
March 18th, 2011 1:01 PM
According to Good Morning America host Robin Roberts, reporter Jake Tapper is a "big fan" of South Park. His affection showed on Friday as he interviewed the program's creators, the duo behind a vulgar Broadway play mocking Mormons.
At no time during the segment on The Book of Mormon did Tapper feature any on-camera criticism of Parker and Stone. (He simply read a statement at the end of the…
Police Investigate Link Between 'South Park' Threats and Times Square
May 3rd, 2010 1:42 AM
Police are apparently investigating whether or not there is a link between threats to the creators of the hit cartoon series "South Park" and Saturday's failed car bomb attempt in New York's Times Square.As NewsBusters reported a few weeks ago, Muslim extremists threatened the lives of Trey Parker and Matt Stone due to an episode featuring the prophet Mohammed dressed in a bear's suit.Comedy…
George Mason Reviewing Author of South Park Death Threats
April 29th, 2010 10:36 PM
While the story of the South Park death threats may not specifically constitute bias in the media per say, it does highlight an embarrassing pattern that has sent Big Media the way of the dinosaur, and a disturbing pattern that has people kowtowing to aggressive threats from radical Islamists. We'll start with the MSM. Zachary Chesser, or Abu Talhah Al-Amrikee as he is known on the…
Threats To South Park Force Increased Security At Comedy Central
April 24th, 2010 11:34 AM
As a result of threats made to the creators of the hit cartoon series "South Park," the New York Police Department has beefed up security at Comedy Central's headquarters.As NewsBusters reported Monday, a radical Islamic group threatened the lives of Trey Parker and Matt Stone due to a two-part episode featuring Mohammed in a bear's costume.Newsweek's Declassified blog reported Friday that the…
Comedy Central Caves, Censors 'South Park' from Even Saying 'Muhammed
April 22nd, 2010 3:53 PM
The elite gatekeepers of American pop culture huff and puff about freedom of speech. But when political correctness actually threatens that right, Hollywood's stalwart defenders of free expression are nowhere to be found.Last night, Comedy Central gave into threats of violence against the creators of the animated sitcom "South Park" and not only censored the image of the Muslim prophet Muhammed…
Pro-Jihadists Threaten South Park Creators – Only Network to Cover i
April 19th, 2010 11:39 PM
Believe it or not, CNN - the same CNN which has recently dismissed the Fort Hood terrorist as lonely, has featured a member of ‘Jihad U' as a teacher of the ‘nuts and bolts of Islam', and which has run three separate stories interviewing the father of radical jihadist, Anwar al-Awlaki - has actually taken interest in a jihadist threat of physical violence upon the creators of South Park. It seems…