Thomas Kaplan

Page A29 at the NYT, With a Dull Headline: Cuomo Says Gun 'Confiscatio
December 22nd, 2012 9:05 AM
On Thursday, New York Governor Andrew Cuomo told an Albany radio station some of his ideas for gun control: “Confiscation could be an option. Mandatory sale to the state could be an option. Permitting could be an option — keep your gun but permit it.”
But in covering what Cuomo said, Thomas Kaplan at the New York Times prefaced Cuomo's specific statement, which he buried in the story's…

WSJ Almost Uniquely Raises Self-Insurance Issue in 'Immaculate Contrac
February 11th, 2012 9:54 AM
Yesterday's announcement by President Obama (headlined at the White House's website as "Remarks by the President on Preventive Care") of planned revisions to an ObamaCare-driven rule which, in the President's words, "if a woman’s employer is a charity or a hospital that has a religious objection to providing contraceptive services as part of their health plan, the insurance company -– not the…

NYT vs. 'Pain' and 'Hurt' of State Budget Cuts: New York State Edition
April 1st, 2011 9:15 PM
The New York Times vs. state spending cuts, take three. After the New York State legislature passed a $132.5 billion budget under new Democratic Gov. Andrew Cuomo that cuts overall spending by two percent, Albany-based reporter Thomas Kaplan went looking for budget victims for Friday’s “After an On-Time Passage of a Pared-Back Budget, Bracing for the Pain to Come.”
Not once did the Times…