Thom Hartmann

Thom Hartmann: Elder Bush 'Murdered' Iraqi Soldiers Fleeing Kuwait
July 2nd, 2014 6:27 PM
Fortunately, there might still be time for the show trial that Thom Hartmann craves.
Hartmann, long atop the decidedly short list of popular liberal radio hosts, has again lapsed into the language of fringe leftist, this time while talking about the horrific situation in Iraq, al Qaeda's rationale for attacking the US on 9/11, and the Persian Gulf war. (Audio after the jump)

Thom Hartmann Actually Believes Keith Olbermann Was Early 'Big Cheerle
June 17th, 2014 5:58 PM
Remember that scene in "Spinal Tap" when lead guitarist Nigel Tufnel showed documentary filmmaker Rob Reiner how he could turn up the volume on his amplifier all the way to 11, for that "extra push over the cliff" which he couldn't get with ordinary amps that would only go to 10?
Left wing radio host Thom Hartmann just cranked Iraq war revisionism all the way to 11. (Audio after the jump)

Thom Hartmann Laments Tiananmen Square Massacre as 'Downside' of Chine
June 11th, 2014 4:59 PM
Yes, it was indeed unfortunate that the Chinese government cracked down on protesters in Tiananmen Square 25 years ago, Thom Hartmann told his radio audience in noting the anniversary.
But on the bright side, Hartmann exclaimed, at least there aren't any billionaires like the Koch brothers in China. Providing, of course, that one overlooks China's government kleptocracy. (Audio after the…

Wars Can't End Unless You Negotiate, Thom Hartmann Opines
June 9th, 2014 3:30 PM
Ever notice that liberals possess a childlike faith in the magical powers of negotiating? This is perhaps best embodied by Bill Clinton, a man who conveys the distinct impression of believing he can talk his way out of anything.
Liberal radio host Thom Hartmann shares that faith, as exhibited on his radio show last week when he joined the chorus of praise on the left for the Obama…

Reagan-Hater Thom Hartmann Admits He Benefited From Reagan Tax Cut
May 26th, 2014 4:01 PM
Don't you love it when a liberal concedes your point, then claims that your criticism merely proves what he was saying to begin with? O-kay ...
An example of this occurred on Thom Hartmann's radio show last week when he responded to a NewsBusters post that questioned whether he benefited from President Ronald Reagan cutting the capital gains tax in 1981. (Audio after the jump)

An Indignant Thom Hartmann Denounces Those Capitalist Shills ... at NP
May 23rd, 2014 8:39 PM
Dog bites man -- conservative criticizes National Public Radio for liberal bias. Man bites dog -- liberal criticizes National Public Radio for insufficient liberalism.
The liberal in question is radio host Thom Hartmann, who's likely to become a more prominent voice in liberal radio thanks to Ed Schultz's abrupt announcement this week that he's ending his decade-long radio show for a shorter…

Did Reagan-Hater Thom Hartmann Benefit From Reagan Tax Cut
May 21st, 2014 8:48 PM
Sure looks like it, based on what the liberal radio host recently told his listeners.
Anyone listening to Thom Hartmann won't have to wait long for him to blame the malevolent political monster known as Ronald Wilson Reagan for nearly every pathology to befoul America in the last three decades -- which makes it all the more odd that Hartmann appears to have benefited considerably from Reagan'…

Limbaugh is Right, Thom Hartmann Admits, Liberal Talk Radio Competes M
May 16th, 2014 7:29 PM
Thom Hartmann is a rarity among liberal radio hosts. Not only does he frequently invite conservative guests on his show, and engage them in debate that is often contentious but rarely unpleasant, he did something this week that many liberals are ideologically incapable of doing.
Hartmann was speaking with fellow radio talker and author Michael Smerconish on Wednesday about changes in the…

Thom Hartmann: Disasters Are the 'Ultimate' Job Creators
April 25th, 2014 7:10 PM
Silly you, all this time thinking that disasters are a bad thing. Thom Hartmann knows so much better.
Hartmann, who touts himself as "The King of Progressive Talk" and is listed 10th on Talker Magazine's ranking of the top 100 radio hosts in America, made a claim on his show this week that neatly encapsulates what passes for economic wisdom among liberals. (Audio after the jump)
Thom Hartmann Dangles October Surprise Bait for Jimmy Carter - and Fai
April 3rd, 2014 9:17 PM
His interview with former president Jimmy Carter didn't go quite as Thom Hartmann expected, which made it all the more amusing.
As Carter continues making the rounds to drum up sales for his new book, he was a guest on liberal talker Hartmann's radio show Tuesday, but there was something else that Hartmann wanted to talk about first. (Video after the jump)

Thom Hartmann Unearths Long-Discredited October Surprise Crackpottery
March 17th, 2014 5:27 PM
As he was rushed into the emergency room at George Washington University Hospital, a grievously wounded President Ronald Reagan prayed for John Hinckley, the man who had just tried to kill him.
"He was a mixed-up young man from a fine family," Reagan wrote in his memoirs, "An American Life." "That day, I asked the Lord to heal him, and to this day, I still do." (Audio after the jump)

Shocking Sanity From Thom Hartmann: Late-Term Abortion is 'Murder
January 28th, 2014 5:08 PM
How rare to hear anything rational and compassionate from the left when it comes to abortion.
A seldom-seen departure from this persistent dynamic was heard on libtalker Thom Hartmann's radio show yesterday during a discussion with one of his callers. (Audio after the jump)

Thom Hartmann Actually Blames Reagan for Mass Shootings
November 6th, 2013 6:50 PM
On the plus side, here you have an example of a liberal not blaming George W. Bush for, well, whatever. Instead, this specific left winger, radio talker Thom Hartmann, is going with the liberal fallback position - It's All Reagan's Fault.
To earlier generations of leftists, Richard Nixon and Joseph McCarthy also proved useful as all-purpose boogeymen who could be cited repeatedly in vain…

Thom Hartmann Blames Reagan for Starting Rightist 'Anti-American Crazi
October 19th, 2013 5:14 PM
The old Norm McDonald joke was “Germans love David Hasselhoff.” The liberal talk radio equivalent is “Thom Hartmann really hates Ronald Reagan.”
On Thursday afternoon’s show, Hartmann blamed Reagan for this whole Tea Party trend of “anti-American crazies who hate our government,” with that unpatriotic hatred somehow including veterans of every war, and George Washington, who “signed the…