Susan Chira

NYT Lets Abrams Claim 'Voter Suppression,' Pose as Race, Gender Victim
March 7th, 2019 1:25 AM
The New York Times’ Susan Chira interviewed the media’s favorite losing candidate, Democrat Stacey Abrams, who lost her 2018 race for the Georgia governorship, in “After Her Narrow Loss, Abrams Takes Stock and Regroups -- Georgia Democrat May Run for President, Senator or Governor," which led the paper’s National section. Chira's sympathetic talk with Abrams hit the race and gender issues hard,…

NYT Again Hails Anita Hill on Kavanaugh, #MeToo: 'Tide Has Not Turned'
December 8th, 2018 10:32 AM
New York Times’ Susan Chira, a “senior correspondent and editor on gender issues,” interviewed Anita Hill for some reason for Friday’s paper, “Hill Reflects: ‘Clearly the Tide Has Not Turned.’” Hill is seen by the press as a victim of both Clarence Thomas and the all-white, all-male Senate Judiciary Committee who brutally questioned her and has achieved secular sainthood, so there are never any…

NYT's Chira: ‘Wrenching Betrayal’ of Senate Women Who Voted Kavanaugh
October 18th, 2018 2:34 PM
New York Times’ Susan Chira, a “senior correspondent and editor on gender issues,” handed her paper’s mighty megaphone to angry anti-Kavanaugh women in “After Kavanaugh, Some Women Feel Powerless, Others Pumped Up.” Chira had nudged against the conventional liberal wisdom that all women were against Judge Brett Kavanaugh in a Sunday Review piece. But her Wednesday piece read as emotionally…

NYT’s Comparison: Kavanaugh’s Defense Makes Him Bad as Trump
September 30th, 2018 5:59 PM
New York Times reporters Jeremy Peters and Susan Chira shamelessly played both the race card and the Trump card to dismiss and mock Brett Kavanaugh’s anger at being called a rapist in front of America, in Sunday’s “Court Pick Steals a Page From Trump’s Playbook On White Male Anger.” The word choice gave away the paper’s disbelief at the effrontery of the conservative Supreme Court nominee…

NYT Times: GOP in 'Extreme Peril' for Showing 'Contempt' for Blasey
September 23rd, 2018 3:21 PM
The New York Times’ co-lead story naturally dealt with the Kavanaugh controversy: “Nominee’s Fate Is Pivotal Point In U.S. Politics – An Apex in the Struggle Over Women’s Status.” Reporters portrayed Brett Kavanaugh’s Supreme Court nomination, and last-minute sexual-assault accusations, through the prism of Kavanaugh taking away women’s rights through gutting Roe v. Wade as a future member of the…

NYT Editor Insinuates Sexism ‘Worse After The Election’
July 24th, 2017 3:34 PM
Once again, the liberal media are insinuating that sexism in America has hit a new low. The New York Times is currently collecting anecdotes from women recounting post-election sexist behavior. And (shocker) it’s pointing to the 2016 presidential election as the cause.

NYT Stuffs Sunday Review With More ‘Sexism’ Excuses for Hillary’s Loss
July 23rd, 2017 6:55 PM
The front of the New York Times Sunday Review was dominated by a graphic of an Escher-type staircase under the headline “Why Women Aren’t C.E.O.’s -- According to the women who almost were.” If you think you know where the story is’re right. It begins and ends with sour grapes from Susan Chira on how sexism foiled Hillary Clinton’s presidential hopes. The paper spent the general…

NYT Celebrates Elizabeth Warren, ‘Avatar of the Liberal Resistance'
February 10th, 2017 9:55 AM
Senate Majority leader Mitch McConnell may have temporarily silenced Democratic Senator Elizabeth Warren, formally rebuking her for breaking Senate rules in her demagogic criticism of her colleague Sen. Jeff Sessions, before he was confirmed as President Trump’s attorney general. But the New York Times won’t shut up until Warren is seen by everyone as a feminist heroine.Times reporter Matt…

NYT Ombudsman Defends Against Liberal Bias Charges on Libya; Editor Ad
October 22nd, 2012 12:14 PM
New York Times Public Editor Margaret Sullivan on Sunday defended the paper against conservative criticism that it has favored Obama in its sparse Libya coverage "Connecting the Dots in Libya," and elicited this from Managing Editor Susan Chira (pictured): "We're aware that people see us as tilting liberal." But Chira also said she and her colleagues "can't be guided by that." Sullivan wrote:

NYTimes Videocast Hits Disrespectful, 'Peevish' Romney's 'Serious Gaff
October 17th, 2012 2:12 PM
The second 2012 presidential debate hosted by Candy Crowley got the full court press from the New York Times, with live fact-checking online and a 40-minute TimesCast wrap-up, that found Times reporters wrongly defending Obama and bashing Mitt Romney on a fiery exchange on Libya. Times journalists were highly supportive of Barack Obama's performance and critical of the "peevish" Mitt Romney,…