Conservative Leaders Demand Twitter Clarify Its Connection to SPLC
April 17th, 2019 2:50 PM
On Wednesday, Media Research Center President Brent Bozell and other conservative leaders wrote to Twitter’s chief executive office Jack Dorsey, urging the company to publicly address its ties with the “anti-Christian, anti-conservative” Southern Poverty Law Center. In a separate statement, Bozell called on Twitter, as well as Facebook, Google and Amazon to make it clear that they won’t associate…

Sen. Cotton Urges IRS Investigation of SPLC
April 3rd, 2019 9:20 AM
Arkansas Senator Tom Cotton is going on the offensive against the Southern Poverty Law Center. The Republican is asking for an IRS investigation to re-evaluate the legal group’s tax exempt status, based on the grounds that the SPLC works less for the sake of civil rights, and more for the sake of progressive politics.

Hateful Anti-Haters SPLC to Undergo ‘Sexism and Racism’ Review
March 20th, 2019 3:12 PM
Can an “anti-hate group” have a hostile work environment? Will a group that maintains a “hate map” find hate in its own HQ? Can an organization that trades in bogus accusations survive something as bogus as a “workplace cultural compliance” investigation? Will a former Obama insider really expose the depredations of fellow “social justice” crusaders? Stay tuned to find out on the next episode of…

SPLC Co-Founder Sacked Over Allegations of Racism, Sexual Harassment
March 15th, 2019 5:00 AM
There's a big shakeup going down at the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) this week. In a surprise announcement on Thursday, the hateful left-wing "hate watch" group disclosed the sudden firing of co-founder Morris Dees. Although the SPLC declined to specify why, reports of racial bias and a possible #MeToo situation quickly surfaced.

Roll Call, SPLC Slime Group Critical of Rep. Omar
March 7th, 2019 3:30 PM
The left hasn’t just circled the wagons around freshman Minnesota Rep. Ilhan Omar, it’s going on offense. The weapon of choice is, of course, the press. Roll Call’s Emily Kopp targeted two groups critical of Omar with a March 6 hatchet job notable for its dishonesty and its bias.

Telemundo, SPLC Strike Out in Hate Crime Reporting
February 28th, 2019 1:02 PM
The ‘hate crime hoax’ phenomenon is alive and well at Telemundo. The Spanish-language sister network to NBC really made a fool of itself in a story on the Southern Poverty Law Center’s (SPLC) annual “Year in Hate” report.
I’ve Been Silicon Valley Sharia’d
February 27th, 2019 8:04 PM
Last week, the little birdies in Twitter's legal department notified me that one of my tweets from 2015 is “in violation of Pakistan law.” It seems like ancient history, but Islamic supremacists never forget — or forgive. My innocuous tweet featured a compilation image of the 12 Muhammad cartoons published by Danish newspaper Jyllands-Posten in 2005. It also linked to my Jan. 8, 2015, syndicated…

NPR Flacks ‘Revered’ SPLC’s Latest ‘Hate’ Report
February 20th, 2019 3:38 PM
If we have to keep paying for National Public Radio, is it too much to ask that it does some actual journalism? (Or just play classical music?) Regurgitating press releases from discredited lefty scammers may thrill the pledge drive and totebag types, but the rest of us just ain’t getting our money’s worth.

Google Funds Anti-Conservative Group Southern Poverty Law Center
January 23rd, 2019 9:20 AM
One of the world’s biggest tech companies funds one of the most prominent anti-conservative groups in the United States. Google’s charitable branch Google.org has donated $250,000 to the Southern Poverty Law Center, since 2016. Google’s charitable branch Google.org has donated $250,000 to the Southern Poverty Law Center, since 2016. The SPLC is a liberal bastion of hate against Christians,…

Newsweek Slimes ACT for America, ICE, with SPLC’s ‘Hate Group’ Label
September 4th, 2018 12:47 PM
On Monday, Newsweek published an article warning the general public about an ACT for America conference honoring ICE department head Thomas Homan, because the Southern Poverty Law Center has described both as promoting a hate agenda. Whether from malice or sheer laziness, outlets like Newsweek a quick to regurgitate SPLC’s specious “hate group” claims.

NBC News: Trump SCOTUS Noms Show ‘Contempt’ for LGBT People
July 9th, 2018 12:29 PM
Liberal meltdown over Trump’s new Supreme Court pick has been cataclysmic to say the least. NBCNews.com added to the hysteria on Sunday by labeling the president’s nominee shortlist as “extreme.”

SPLC Pays $3.375 Million, Apologizes to Moderate Muslim Group
June 19th, 2018 9:37 AM
The anti-conservative Southern Poverty Law Center just learned hate can be expensive. The SPLC had to “apologize” to a moderate Muslim organization and give it a nearly $3.4 million to settle a lawsuit. It added: “In a public statement, the SPLC’s president, Richard Cohen, explained that “Mr. Nawaz and Quilliam have made valuable and important contributions to public discourse, including by…

Facebook Confirms It Partners with Anti-Conservative SPLC
June 7th, 2018 3:42 PM
A Facebook spokesperson has confirmed the site partners with the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) to help police hate speech on its site. The spokesperson added that Facebook has its own definition of hate that differs from the SPLC’s.
Sombreros, Qipaos and Catholic Cosplay, Oh My!
May 9th, 2018 12:59 PM
The impossibly fickle, selective and whimsical rules of cultural appropriation are hard to keep straight. (Oops! I said "straight." Apologies to whomever. Oops, can I say "whomever?" Zimever? Verselves? Gah.) According to the white people who run the left-wing Southern Poverty Law Center, eating tacos, drinking tequila and wearing sombreros on Cinco de Mayo "are textbook examples of cultural…