
Hardball Panel Briefly Kicks Around Secret Service Conspiracy Theory

September 30th, 2014 9:18 PM
During a panel discussion on the September 30 program, MSNBC Hardball panelists briefly discussed how some folks may feel that recent lapses in Secret Service security are not accidental but in some way intentional, borne out of a dislike or hatred for the president within the agency's ranks. 

WashPost: Obama Shutting Down White House Tours Isn't a Stunt, It's a

March 9th, 2013 5:46 PM
The front page of Saturday's Washington Post took the publicity stunt of shutting down White House tours and spun it as an educational event. The headline was “In canceled White House tours, a civics lesson: Disappointed tourists help administration show sequester’s pain.” Inside the paper, the headline was “Worthless tickets drive home government’s dysfunction.” Ahem, the tickets are free even…