Rob Port

ABC's Favorite Righty Blogger: Rob Port Slashes Pro-Lifers For Handing
July 27th, 2013 12:35 PM
ABC News is not in the habit of publicizing conservative blogs....unless it sends a message liberals adore -- like pro-lifers are freaks. pted a story on Wednesday headlined “Anti Abortion Activists Give Children Toy Fetuses at State Fair.”
An announcer sounds shocked on an accompanying video with “Fetus Doll Stunt” as the headline: “A bizarre surprise turned up at a state fair…
Why Is Sandy Hook Father Bill Stevens Not a Household Name? Perhaps Be
February 4th, 2013 12:54 PM
Last week while MSNBC was busy deceptively editing a video of Neil Heslin, the father of a child murdered in the Newtown, Connecticut mass shooting, the "Lean Forward" network and the rest of the liberal media failed to notice the pro-gun rights testimony of another Newtown father, Bill Stevens. While he was fortunate enough to not have lost a child that day, Mr. Stevens has a daughter in 5th…
Happy Anniversary Wishes for NewsBusters from Local Radio Hosts
August 16th, 2010 4:11 PM
Numerous conservative radio talk show hosts across the fruited plain are dedicated fans of NewsBusters and mention our site or otherwise direct their listeners to our content day after day.Some of them have told us that our site is invaluable to their show prep, which is quite the honor for us as the blogosphere and talk radio are the primary media outlets conservatives have to challenge the…
Dem Congressman Equates Tough Interview Questions with Political Favor
November 8th, 2009 2:00 PM
Very often criticism of journalists is actually criticism of journalism. Effective investigative reporting entails asking the tough questions and demanding answers. Powerful Democrats, including White House officials, have derided Fox News for this reason. But even conservative bloggers are not immune to the "extension of the opposition" charge for simply asking the tough questions.Late last…