Richard Oppel

Defending Obama, NYTimes' Richard Oppel Turns Tables on Romney, Lament
September 20th, 2012 1:44 PM
The New York Times wasn't impressed with the Romney campaign's counterattack on Obama after the media-inflated "47% controversy," judging by the headline over Thursday's brief story by reporter Richard Oppel: "Seeking to Turn Topic To Evils of Redistribution." The online version of the story (excerpted below) included four biased additional paragraphs at the end, but the headline at least left…

New York Times Skips Inconvenient Facts to Insist on 'Peaceful,' 'Nonv
February 28th, 2011 3:08 PM
The New York Times took pains over the weekend to emphasize the nonviolent nature of the ongoing pro-union protests in Madison, over Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker’s plan to limit collective bargaining for government unions and increase the amount they pay for their health care and pension plans.
From Monday’s report by Richard Oppel in Madison on Wisconsin state authorities capitulating to…
AP, NYT Inflate Perception of Non-Madison Saturday Pro-Union Crowds
February 27th, 2011 11:13 AM
Yesterday was supposed to be a day of massive pro-union demonstrations nationwide designed to give Wisconsin public-sector employee moral support from hordes of their union and non-union "brothers" and "sisters" around the country.
Uh, that's not exactly what transpired.
The establishment press's fallback position in matters such as these when the protesters involved have their sympathies…
CBS ‘Early Show’ Obama Coverage 2 to 1 Over McCain
July 21st, 2008 4:23 PM
At the top of Monday’s CBS "Early Show" a full six minutes of coverage was devoted to Barack Obama’s world tour, while only three minutes was given to a John McCain interview. During the interview with McCain, co-host Harry Smith wondered: "You know, when you have the network anchors chasing your opponent across the Middle East it's a little hard to make news. What is your strategy to get folks…