
MSNBC: Obama Did 'His Best to Speak to Our Angels' in Dallas Speech

July 12th, 2016 5:22 PM
In the initial moments following the Dallas, Texas interfaith service on Tuesday afternoon to memorialize the slain Dallas police officers, MSNBC hailed President Barack Obama’s very politicized speech as “part sermon, part speech” and one that “[spoke] to our angels” reminiscent of his Charleston, South Carolina address on June 26, 2015. 

Fox’s Dana Perino Hammers ‘Reckless’ Hillary Clinton in Twitter 'Rant'

July 6th, 2016 6:28 PM
Less than a day after Federal Bureau of Investigation Director James Comey’s announcement that Hillary Clinton should not face criminal charges for her private e-mail servers scandal, Fox News Channel's Dana Perino went on “a bit of a rant” on Twitter about the fact that the Democratic presidential candidate will apparently face no legal consequences as a result of the investigation. Perino…

CNN, MSNBC Gush: 'Ebullient' Obama's Unlike 'Anyone We've Ever Seen'

July 5th, 2016 5:44 PM
CNN and MSNBC could barely contain their excitement in the moments following Tuesday’s Hillary Clinton rally featuring President Obama on the heels of the FBI deciding not to recommend charges in her e-mail scandal as MSNBC’s Brian Williams and CNN’s Jim Sciutto seemed to be acting as though Obama was still the candidate (and not Clinton).

Inskeep Pushes Obama from Left on Race, Trump Hurting His Legacy

July 4th, 2016 7:31 PM
National Public Radio’s Steve Inskeep was back at it by scoring another interview with one of his favorite subjects in President Obama (with the transcript released on July 1) and included questions from the left on immigration reform, Donald Trump threatening to stand in Obama’s way of becoming a leftist Ronald Reagan, and white privilege being a centerpiece of the 2016 election.

Mitchell Whines Clinton/Lynch Meeting Has ‘Overshadowed’ the Campaign

July 1st, 2016 2:24 PM
MSNBC host and NBC News correspondent Andrea Mitchell was still at it on Friday afternoon lamenting that the Bill Clinton/Loretta Lynch airplane meeting has been “overshadowing” Hillary Clinton’s campaign and surmised that the former President wasn’t looking to “gain some influence” from the Attorney General as her Justice Department and FBI investigate Hillary’s private e-mail server.

Matthews Worries Obama Could Lose ‘Some of His Glow’ Fighting Trump

June 29th, 2016 10:02 PM
A day after he wondered why terrorists always use bombs, MSNBC’s Hardball host Chris Matthews spent parts of Wednesday night’s show comparing President Barack Obama to Reggie Jackson in being a clutch campaigner for Hillary Clinton this fall but worrying that the President’s jousting with Donald Trump could cause him to lose “some of his glow.”

Outsourcing Security Is Dumb and Deadly

June 29th, 2016 12:59 PM
It is not a theory that delegating the protection of our embassy and military personnel to other countries risks lives. It is a reality bathed in American blood. The latest reports on Benghazi released this week underscore the persistent dangers of outsourcing security.

Preventing Another Orlando

June 16th, 2016 7:59 PM
The Boston Marathon, San Bernardino and now Orlando. It goes on and on, as Donald Trump might say. And it will continue to worsen, as Trump has already said. He is the most prescient campaigner in this race for the presidency. Hillary Clinton made progress Monday when she enunciated the words "radical Islamism," words that she thitherto refused to utter and her old friend and boss President…

Disney Exec Surprises Shanghai Resort Opening by Reading Obama Letter

June 16th, 2016 6:36 PM
On Thursday morning in Shanghai, Walt Disney Company Chairman Bob Iger and “a phalanx of Chinese Communist Party officials” cut the ribbon on the $5.5 billion Shanghai Disney Resort, the company's first theme park in mainland China. The celebration included fireworks over the resort's castle -- Disney's "largest and most technologically advanced castle in the world” -- a dancing Mickey Mouse,…

No, President Obama, Americans Don't Need to Examine Themselves

June 15th, 2016 11:43 AM
President Obama's predictable reaction to the latest heinous, unprovoked terrorist massacre of innocent citizens on American soil would be embarrassing if it weren't so disgraceful. This man's term can't end quickly enough. There is just no excuse for Obama's warped moral compass -- the way he excuses the culpable. And his judgments are not happening in a vacuum; they are guiding his policies,…

Nets Hit Trump for Banning WashPost, Yawned at Obama Booting Papers

June 14th, 2016 2:42 PM
On Monday night and Tuesday morning, the “big three” networks of ABC, CBS, and NBC offered multiple segments decrying presumptive Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump for revoking press credentials from The Washington Post while having the exact opposite reaction to three newspapers being banned from the Obama campaign press plane in 2008. 

Vile Bee Prays NRA Is Plagued with Boils, Wants to Take Guns Away

June 14th, 2016 12:24 PM
Clearly shaken as the entire country has been since Sunday’s horrifying Islamic terror attack in Orlando, TBS’s Full Frontal host Samantha Bee opened her Monday night show by discussing the shooting in her predictably vile manner as she openly prayed that people in the National Rifle Association (NRA) would be plagued with boils and declared she does want to take our guns away.

NYT: Orlando Shows ‘How Potent’ Combination of ISIS, NRA Can Be

June 13th, 2016 3:42 PM
The New York Times allowed barely a day to elapse before it sought to blame the Orlando terror attack on the National Rifle Association (NRA) as columnist Roger Cohen argued in a column filed on Monday that the Brexit movement, the NRA, and Donald Trump have contributed with ISIS to a world that encourages such acts of violence.

Watch FNC's Rosen Grill Earnest on POTUS Endorsement, Hillary Scandals

June 9th, 2016 9:15 PM
Fox News reporters and a select number of others have been known to grill White House Press Secretaries in the Obama years and Thursday saw another installment as the Fox News Channel’s chief Washington correspondent James Rosen hammered current Press Secretary Josh Earnest on subjects ranging from President Obama’s Hillary Clinton endorsement to her e-mail scandal.