
MSNBC: Trump Wants Whites to ‘Hate’ Players, Only Backed by ‘Morons’

June 6th, 2018 9:20 AM
Doing their part to drive another wedge into the polarizing NFL debate over national anthem protests, MSNBC’s Hardball host Chris Matthews proclaimed on Tuesday night that President Trump’s strategy is to make “white guys” attending NFL games “hate” the predominantly African-American players while a panelist deemed Trump supporters on the kneeling debate to be “morons.”

Smug CNN Panel Hails Ryan, Question Patriotism of Standing for Anthem

June 5th, 2018 8:25 PM
If politicians are the most self-centered group of people in America, the news media is a close second. That pompousness was on display during the Tuesday edition of CNN’s The Situation Room as a segment was dedicated to political analyst April Ryan shouting at White House Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders over the national anthem protests by NFL players. Also in that segment, CNN Tonight…

Sports Illustrated Says Trump Feud with NFL is Political Distraction

June 5th, 2018 7:23 PM
Sharply swerving out of his lane today, Sports ("and Politics") Illustrated football writer Robert Klemko ventured into White House politics and accused President Donald Trump of criticizing the NFL to distract attention away from FBI investigations of his administration.

Ready to Rumble? Ryan, Sanders Throw Down Over Anthem Protests

June 5th, 2018 5:30 PM

Tuesday’s White House Press Briefing was fraught with tension over issues such as EPA Administrator Scott Pruitt, North Korea, and trade, but the primary topic was the President’s less-than-factual dispute with the Super Bowl champion Philadelphia Eagles amid the NFL’s national anthem dispute. American Urban Radio Networks correspondent and CNN political analyst April Ryan rudely bought the…

The Undefeated's Rivers Urges Flag Day Kneeling

June 4th, 2018 6:40 PM
Five graphically designed people are displayed above the headline, "On Flag Day, the Most Patriotic Among us Should be Kneeling", all taking a knee. Each is dressed in clothing that bears the stars and stripes. This fake "patriotism" is the "proper" way to honor America on Flag Day, writes The Undefeated blog's Jeff Rivers.

ABC, NBC Suggest NFL Kneeling Wasn’t Unpopular Until Trump Spoke Out

June 2nd, 2018 12:44 PM
When it came to reporting the policy change that evening, ABC and NBC appeared put off by the development. They both seemed to suggest that players kneeling wasn’t unpopular with fans until President Trump spoke out and pushed the inaccurate claim the players weren’t consulted. And neither spoke with players supportive of the decision.

USAT: Racist Trump Gains Politically by Forcing Protest Ban

May 30th, 2018 5:36 PM
An angry, hard-Left writer for USA Today Sports, Nancy Armour is implying that President Donald Trump used a form of "political terrorism" to pressure the NFL into banning national anthem protests. The NFL did not have the courage to resist the "dog whistler in chief's" opposition to pregame protests, she complains.

Politico's Strauss Sees Public Respect for Kaepernick in Future

May 28th, 2018 5:10 PM
History will likely regard Colin Kaepernick favorably. If the historians are left-leaning media like Ben Strauss and others who support radical athlete protests. In a Politico post titled "The Arc of History Bends a Knee Toward Colin Kaepernick" Strauss forecasts the ostracized former quarterback emerging "as an icon of social justice."

Jemele Hill: NFL Protest Ban Based on Fear of Trump

May 28th, 2018 10:00 AM
Recently named "Black Journalist of the Year" by the liberal-minded National Association of Black Journalists, Jemele Hill has joined the media lemmings claiming President Donald Trump forced the NFL to ban player protests. The senior correspondent and columnist for ESPN and The Undefeated also says the NFL sold out its players when it put an end to anthem protests.

Edwards Says NFL Ban on Protest 'Residual of Slavery'

May 27th, 2018 10:00 AM
Harry Edwards, the architect of sports protest, is livid over the NFL's shutdown of power salutes, sitting and kneeling during the Star Spangled Banner. He told USA Today sports writer Jarrett Bell it's proof positive African-Americans are still battling the residuals of slavery.

Alter Slams 'Banana Republican' 'Autocratic Behavior Like Never Seen'

May 26th, 2018 11:43 AM
On Saturday's MSNBC Live with Alex Witt, during a discussion of President Donald Trump accusing the FBI of spying on his campaign and demanding an investigation, MSNBC contributor and Daily Beast columnist Jonathan Alter went into hyperbole as he charged that "banana Republican" Trump is engaging in "autocratic behavior like we've never seen in American history."

CNN Gives NFL's Baldwin a Forum to Explain Why Trump Is an 'Idiot'

May 25th, 2018 1:02 PM
On Thursday's Anderson Cooper 360, host Cooper picked up on the NFL's Doug Baldwin calling President Donald Trump an "idiot" over his comments in support of the NFL trying to deter kneeling during the National Anthem, as the CNN host gave Baldwin an unchallenged forum as a guest to explain his views.

Matthews Blasts NFL's Anthem Move with Former 9/11 Truther, Ex-Player

May 24th, 2018 9:27 PM
Amid an absolutely insane Thursday night edition of Hardball, MSNBC host Chris Matthews repeatedly condemned the new NFL policy regarding protests of the Star-Spangled Banner and, during one such instance, he relied on help from former NFL player Donte Stallworth, who happens to be a former 9/11 truther.

Bitter Media Denounce Trump, NFL Over Protest Policy

May 24th, 2018 8:48 PM
The very vanguard of the far Left is reacting bitterly today to the NFL's new policy banning football players from disrespectfully kneeling during the national anthem. Editorialists for The New York Times and The Washington Post, as well as USA Today, acted as if the hated Republican Party had just taken over the NFL in their denunciations, and the ACLU condemned the NFL's actions as "un-American…