Melissa Harris-Lacewell

Excerpt of Ann Coulter's 'Mugged': Racial Double Standards at MSNBC
September 25th, 2012 9:19 AM
How about Chris Matthews? He is an aggressive bean counter when it comes to the number of blacks at Tea Parties—as if the Tea Partiers can control who shows up at their rallies.
Blacks as a group are overwhelmingly one-party voters. Jews have more Republicans. As a result, any group that espouses Republican principles obviously isn’t going to have a lot of black people—although probably more…
Maddow Guest Harris-Lacewell Suggests 'Crazy Uncle' Biden Spouts Off a
September 13th, 2010 6:43 AM
Hope and change, meet business as usual.Princeton professor Melissa Harris-Lacewell unveiled this curious possible strategy for Democrats heading into the midterms when she appeared on Rachel Maddow's MSNBC show Sept. 8 --MADDOW: One last last question on the specifics here. The president himself is planning to be very visible from all accounts, multiple campaign events, the first planned press…
MSNBC’s Harris-Lacewell: 14th Amendment Debate about Eugenics, Xenop
August 13th, 2010 10:18 AM
Whenever Fox News host Glenn Beck raises the history of progressives and eugenics, or the possibility that eugenics is part of the motivation of a legitimate policy debate, the left-wing has a hissy fit. But when the left introduces it, we're supposed to accept it as high-minded and scholarly, especially in the case Princeton University's Melissa Harris-Lacewell. On MSNBC's Aug. 12 "Countdown…
Maddow Guest Harris-Lacewell Describes Abortion Providers as 'Terminat
August 8th, 2010 1:50 PM
That's odd, those describing themselves as pro-choice usually aren't this candid when it comes to abortion.On her MSNBC show Thursday night, Rachel Maddow spoke with Princeton professor Melissa Harris-Lacewell about Republican Senate candidates Rand Paul, Sharron Angle and Ken Buck opposing abortion, including for pregnancies conceived through rape or incest.Harris-Lacewell said this in response…
O'Reilly Remarks on Post-9/11 Racial Rapprochement Echoed -- by Freque
April 21st, 2010 10:57 PM
Occasionally a lefty gets it right. Then a conservative says much the same thing. Followed by liberals denouncing him for it.Latest example -- Bill O'Reilly's remarks on race at the Sharpton-organized National Action Network conference on April 14 in New York City. Speaking after O'Reilly was liberal action hero Ed Schultz, who spun what was said at the conference on MSNBC's "The Ed Show" that…
Poor Baby: Obama Inherited 'Hollow Prize' Of United States
February 2nd, 2010 7:51 AM
Poor Barack Obama. In becoming president he inherited the "hollow prize" of the United States of America. That was the astounding theory suggested this morning by Melissa Harris-Lacewell.The Princeton professor of politics and African-American studies bemoaned the president's predicament on Morning Joe today. Apparently this "hollow prize" theory is in vogue in certain circles, used to decry…
Rolling Stone to Cap-and-Tax Opponents: 'You Idiots
January 7th, 2010 11:43 AM
Rolling Stone, a music magazine in the same sense that MTV is a music-video channel, was featured on this morning's edition of Morning Joe. Their cover story is not about the latest escapades of Kanye West or Lady Gaga; instead, they have chosen to write about global warming. Before anyone asks, none of the above recording artists (to my knowledge) have recorded a song which would have spawned…
Maddow Guest Invokes 9/11 to Sell ObamaCare
September 13th, 2009 9:46 PM
Is there a sentient person over the age of 12 who believes our health care problems are as serious as the peril facing America after 9/11?At least one person whose belief in this has been confirmed, though I suspect many others drawn to MSNBC think likewise.Here's Princeton political science professor Melissa Harris-Lacewell on MSNBC's "The Rachel Maddow Show," where she is a frequent guest, on…
NBC Launches Liberal Site For 'The' African-American Perspective On Ne
August 9th, 2009 8:12 PM
"There is not a Black America and a White America and a Latino America and an Asian America -- there's the United States of America." -- Barack Obama, 2004 Democratic National Convention keynote address." The African-American perspective on news. Our lives, our world, our stories. Part of NBC News." -- promo for new NBC News website, August 9, 2009.So much for Barack…
Maddow, Guest Revise History to Smear Republican Opposition to Sotomay
July 11th, 2009 2:27 PM
As the confirmation hearings for President Barack Obama's Supreme Court appointee Sonia Sotomayor are upon us, the left-wing attack machine had to take a few last shots ranking Senate Judiciary Committee Republican Sen. Jeff Session, Ala., and the Republican Party as a whole. MSNBC host Rachel Maddow explained the junior Alabama senator would take over the spot after Sen. Arlen Specter's…
Debunking the Stimulus Myth: Only 3% Allotted for Road, Bridge Spendin
January 23rd, 2009 8:17 PM
You've heard it here, there and everywhere in the news media - the time is now for a big-government economic stimulus package, not only to revive the economy, but to salvage America's crumbling infrastructure. That's one of the selling points used over and over again by pundits, as they are paraded out repeatedly on broadcast and cable network news programs - that so-called "shovel-ready"…