Marc Lacey

'Immigration Hardliners' in Arizona Draw 'Scorn' From Unidentified Opp
February 25th, 2011 8:15 AM
Thursday’s National section of The New York Times led with “Arizona Lawmakers Push New Round of Immigration Restrictions.” Phoenix Bureau Chief Marc Lacey did not sound pleased with the prospect, pitting unidentified opponents against "immigration hardliners." Never mind that the proposals would target illegal immigration, not legal immigration.
Illegal immigrants would be barred from…
In the NY Times, 'Immigration Hardliners' in Arizona Draw 'Scorn' From
February 24th, 2011 1:22 PM
The National section of Thursday's New York Times led with “Arizona Lawmakers Push New Round of Immigration Restrictions.” Phoenix Bureau Chief Marc Lacey did not sound pleased with the prospect, pitting unidentified opponents of the proposals against "immigration hardliners." Never mind that the proposals would target illegal immigration, not legal.
Illegal immigrants would be barred from…
NYT's Egan: 'Crackpot' Republicans Behind 'Lunatic Magnet' Arizona's
April 29th, 2010 4:56 PM
Timothy Egan, liberal New York Times reporter turned liberal columnist, is the latest former reporter to weigh in on Arizona's anti-immigration law, "Desert Derangement Syndrome."It would be hard to top former NYT Supreme Court reporter Linda Greenhouse's hysterical conflation in her Tuesday print-edition column of Arizona's stricter enforcement of immigration laws with a Nazi police…