Liz Robbins

NY Times Hails 2019 'Social Justice' Turn of Athletes Speaking Out
January 1st, 2020 9:25 PM
Reporter Liz Robbins wrapped up the year in left-wing athletic activism on the front of the New York Times sports page New Year’s Day, though she put it in more flattering terms in “Playing for Trophies, and for Change.” Robbins doesn't seem to like sports: "Long a bastion for abuse, homophobia, misogyny and injury, the sporting world has started to embrace diversity, vulnerability, gender…

NYT: State's ‘Version of Joe Arpaio’ Cracking Down on 'Undocumented'
March 21st, 2018 7:19 PM
On no other issue does the New York Times betray its liberal slant as it does on illegal immigration, and on Wednesday reporter Liz Robbins reacted with predictably liberal alarm in her “news” story about a sheriff in New York State who had the audacity to agree to help enforce national immigration law through Immigration and Customs Enforcement, or ICE: “Sheriff Joins Federal Immigration…

Knocking Trump, NYT Downplays Danger of MS-13 Gang on Front Page
March 2nd, 2018 11:45 AM
Some crimes, like the Parkland massacre, earn the full outraged attention of the New York Times, which is fitting. But when Trump wages a rhetorical war on other murderers, like the immigrant gang MS-13 who bludgeon teens to death, the paper responds with hand-wringing explainers like Friday’s front-page corrective suggesting the threat of MS-13 is overblown and surely is unrelated to Obama’s…

NYT Pities Muslims Robbed of Ramadan, Goes After GOP Not Saying 'Gay'
June 19th, 2016 8:30 PM
After the worst terror attack on U.S. soil since 9-11, New York Times reporter Liz Robbins found time to pity some Muslim high school students who had their feelings hurt, on the front of Saturday’s edition: “Young New York Muslims, Robbed of a Respite.” Another article left no mistaking which political party was on the right side of the issue: "President Obama called it both 'an act of terror…

The New York Times Marks Easter Its Own Way: Gay Activism
April 25th, 2011 4:58 PM
The New York Times’s coverage of Easter Sunday was sparse, but the paper did mark the Christian holiday in its own inimitable way, by spotlighting anti-traditional gay rights activism.
Reporter Liz Robbins was at St. Patrick’s Cathedral in Manhattan on Sunday morning to hear Archbishop Timothy Dolan delivers his Easter homily to nearly 3,000. St. Patrick’s also marked the “finish line” of the…
NYT Jumps on Arrest of ACORN 'Pimp' - Yet Waited 6 Days to Report ACOR
January 28th, 2010 8:52 AM
When the ACORN scandal broke, the New York Times dragged its feet for six days before issuing a story on the devastating footage from conservative activist and guerilla film-maker James O'Keefe, who caught on video the left-wing housing group giving advice to a "prostitute" and "pimp" on how to shelter illegal income from taxes. But following Tuesday afternoon reports of the Monday arrest of O'…
Mass. Bias in NYT: Voter 'Advocate' Coakley vs. G.O.P.'s Brown, a 'Con
January 19th, 2010 5:12 PM
New York Times reporter Liz Robbins provided an excellent case study of liberal bias Tuesday, profiling both candidates on the eve of the special U.S. Senate election in the deep-blue state of Massachusetts. Robbins's stories appeared side-by-side on page A22 of Tuesday morning's newspaper, and Democrat candidate Martha Coakley clearly got the better of the deal.A headline portrayed Coakley as a…
NY Times Says Tea Parties 'More About Group Therapy' and Anger Than So
April 16th, 2009 11:48 AM
The New York Times finally noticed -- kind of -- the nationwide "tea party" protests against the bailouts, the stimulus plan, and President Obama's budget. Reporter Liz Robbins' story, "Tax Day Is Met With Tea Parties" is the first Times news report to deal with any of the conservative anti-spending protests, and does so in a predictably snide manner and in a relatively short article on Page 16…