Kevin Baker

New Republic Writer Proposes a Lib-State ‘Bluexit’ From America
March 10th, 2017 11:30 AM
Separatist and secessionist talk has burgeoned in 21st-century America. The day after the 2004 presidential election, sulky liberals began circulating a map that represented pro-Kerry regions of the country as part of the “United States of Canada” and pro-Bush regions as “Jesusland.” Grouchy conservatives weren’t sure they belonged in a nation that elected and re-elected Barack Obama. Now comes…

NYT Sunday Tackles Scare-Mongering Trump, 'Race-Baiting' Reagan
June 20th, 2016 5:02 PM
The New York Times took a witheringly anti-Trump, anti-Bush, anti-Reagan stand on the front page of the Sunday Review. Veteran liberal journalist Michael Tomasky contributed, “No More Fear – Has political scaremongering lost its magic?” By “scaremongering,” Tomasky is talking about the Republican Party’s traditional tough stand against terrorism. Contributor Kevin Baker went further, falsely…
Coulter Column: Got Racism? The Liberal Media Sure Does
October 10th, 2012 6:57 PM
Liberal racism sightings have become like a lunatic's version of "Where's Waldo?" Kevin Baker of Harper's magazine says Romney's referring to his "five boys" in last week's debate was how he "slyly found a way" to call Obama a "boy." Says Baker: "How the right's hard-core racists must have howled at that!"
MSNBC's Chris Matthews says the word "apartment" is racist because black people live in…

'Republicans to Cities: Drop Dead' Blares New York Times Headline
October 10th, 2012 10:26 AM
Media mogul Rupert Murdoch sent a Twitter message on Sunday morning complaining about the Sunday New York Times: "Practically nothing in NYT, predicable nearly unreadable Review section - even unintelligible Maureen Dowd."
Admittedly, the lead Sunday Review article by novelist Kevin Baker was more enticing to liberals, who seem to be section editor Andrew Rosenthal's intended audience: "…