
BLOOD IN THE WATER: WH Press Use Briefing to Show It’s Over for Biden

July 3rd, 2024 12:54 PM

In the first White House press briefing since June 18, the press corps on Tuesday showed in nearly an hour-long marathon of questioning that not only do they smell blood in the water regarding the Joe Biden presidency, but also (at least some) showed cowardice in suddenly pivoting from years of what could be the largest cover-up in U.S. history in Biden’s mental impairment.


Doocy, KJP Throw Down in WILD Briefing Over Border, Clueless Joe

February 7th, 2024 11:09 AM

With it having been six days since the last White House press briefing, there was litany of topics Tuesday for the ever-inept Karine Jean-Pierre and, needless to say, she dealt with them using her trademark dodges and inability to grasp the English language. Unsurprisingly, Fox’s Peter Doocy, Fox Business’s Edward Lawrence and New York Post’s Steven Nelson challenged Jean-Pierre while others…


Here Are the Five Dumbest & Smartest Questions from Last Few Briefings

March 7th, 2023 5:42 PM

With briefings on Thursday, Friday, Monday, and Tuesday, the ever-inept Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre has had a lot of camera time as of late and the liberal media came at her with questions of substance and activism. Most notably, they’ve hit her from the left on the D.C. crime bill, Florida and Texas addressing the Biden border crisis, illegal immigration, Tennessee passing legislation…


Reporter Hits WH From Left: Why Hasn’t Biden Said More About Abortion?

June 2nd, 2022 12:17 PM

Amid White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre’s worst press briefing yet as she faced questions Wednesday about the baby formula shortage, the economy, inflation, and presidential leadership, Bloomberg’s Justin Sink came from the left on abortion by twice wanting to know why Biden hasn’t made abortion more of a focus in his administration following the leaked Supreme Court draft opinion…


Hunker Down, Jen! Rosen Joins Briefings as Doocy Keeps Bringing Heat

January 14th, 2022 5:07 PM

Longtime journalist James Rosen made his White House briefing debut on Thursday as White House correspondent for Newsmax, so it was no surprise he got right to work grilling National Security Adviser Jake Sullivan on foreign policy and Press Secretary Jen Psaki on Biden being responsible for inflation and vaccinations. Not to be left out, Fox’s Peter Doocy appeared on Friday’s Psaki Show…


Psaki Runs into Buzzsaw of Journos After Biden Ducks Afghan Questions

September 1st, 2021 10:13 AM

President Biden stuck to form Tuesday by refusing to take questions after his speech on the end of the war in Afghanistan, so they fell to Press Secretary Jen Psaki and she found a cadre of reporters who were loaded with queries on topics such as Biden’s “angry” tone, Biden checking his watch during Sunday’s dignified transfer or remains, blaming Americans for not getting out in time, and…


Pent-Up Press Unleash on Biden’s Afghanistan Disaster, Growing Chaos

August 20th, 2021 2:50 PM

After dodging journalists and ping-ponging from the White House to vacation, back to the White House, Joe Biden finally faced the music and talked to pent-up journalists about his Afghanistan disaster. Although the President called on just five reporters, they hammered Biden for badly botching the situation. 


CLOWN SHOW: WH Press Corps Embarrass Themselves at Biden Presser

March 25th, 2021 4:38 PM

After 65 days in office, President Joe Biden’s handlers trotted him out for his first formal press conference and, unsurprisingly, the adoring and extremely supportive White House press corps debased themselves with an embarrassing affinity for the far-left administration and questions that largely guided the frail commander-in-chief toward their radical agenda.


Embarrassing: Lapdog Biden Reporters Debase Themselves in Presser

November 19th, 2020 6:27 PM

If anyone was hoping the third time would be the charm for consistently constructive or tough questions at a post-election Joe Biden press conference, Thursday illustrated that such a hope was a fool’s errand. Over the course of the 15-minute availability, the Biden team had the former vice president receive questions from only four reporters with three of them offering softballs.


McEnany Slams Far-Left NYT Hacks for Harming America, Intel Gathering

June 30th, 2020 6:29 PM

In a last-minute White House press briefing, Press Secretary Kayleigh McEnany opened Tuesday with a stinging rebuke against the virulently anti-Trump and far-left New York Times, eviscerating their anonymously-sourced Russia stories that have “undermine[d]” not only Donald Trump as commander-in-chief, but also national and global security to disseminate threats.

Biden: Obama Should Be Nominated for 'Sainthood' for His Patience Duri

March 22nd, 2014 12:07 PM
Here’s something else the networks didn’t notice about on the evening news about Obamacare. Vice President Biden spoke to community health center leaders on Friday morning about the botched rollout. “You know, it got off to a slow start,” said Biden. “The president and I were as frustrated as anyone....but it's basically fixed,” he added. Then he suggested Obama should be nominated for “…

Even Liberal Pollsters Discover Significant Plurality of Americans See

October 2nd, 2012 2:28 PM
There’s that clichéd saying of “where’s there smoke, there’s fire.”  Some in the media should have heeded that advice since a plurality of Americans sees a bias in the polling conducted between President Obama and Governor Romney.  Oh, and, by the way, this information comes from a Daily Kos/SEIU poll, so it's hardly a right-wing source. Justin Sink of The Hill wrote today that: