Líderes conservadores instan a investigar manejo chino del coronavirus

March 18th, 2020 4:59 PM

RESTON, VA – El Centro de Investigación de Medios publicó el martes en la tarde una carta abierta al presidente Donald Trump a nombre de 39 líderes del movimiento conservador. En la misma, exige "una investigación formal para descubrir la verdad” detrás de las acciones del gobierno chino en relación al surgimiento del coronavirus de Wuhan.

Conservative Leaders Urge Probe into China’s Handling of Coronavirus

March 17th, 2020 12:50 PM

RESTON, VA -- On Tuesday afternoon, the Media Research Center released an open letter to President Donald Trump on behalf of over 40 leaders in the conservative movement demanding "a more formal investigation to uncover the truth" behind  the actions of the Chinese government following the rise of the coronavirus from Wuhan.

CBS Publicizes Catholic Dissenters' Platform Against Celibate Priestho

March 11th, 2013 7:44 PM
CBS's Barry Petersen slanted in favor of dissenters agitating for the repeal of the Catholic Church's centuries-old practice of celibacy for priests on the March 10, 2013 edition of Sunday Morning. Petersen hyped how "many American Catholics wonder how long celibacy will be a part of today's Church, or perhaps, how soon it may become a fading tradition." The correspondent also failed to…