Chris Matthews Angrily Denies Having Ghostwriter's Help with New JFK B

November 2nd, 2011 4:03 PM
"F*** you!" is how MSNBC's Chris Matthews reportedly objected to the notion that he used the services of a ghostwriter for his new book, "Jack Kennedy: Elusive Hero." In a November 2 blog post,'s Jeff Bercovici detailed the Hardball host's testy reaction to the suggestion that just as Matthews's boyhood hero heavily relied on Ted Sorensen, Matthews had a professional scribe assist…

While Recounting JFK Assassination, Chris Matthews Links 'Vicious' 'Ri

October 31st, 2011 3:29 PM
While hyping his new book on John F. Kennedy on Friday, Chris Matthews seemed to connect "vicious" "right-wing" "hate" to the assassination of the nation's 35th president. At no time in his Hardball editorial did Matthews admit that the President's assassin, Lee Harvey Oswald, was a pro-Communist leftist, who, at one point in his life, defected to the Soviet Union. Speaking of Kennedy's trip…

Matthews: Americans Most Want JFK Added to Mount Rushmore

October 24th, 2011 8:50 PM
Maybe Princeton professor Cornel West should redirect his get off the crack pipe suggestion to MSNBC's Chris Matthews. On Monday's Hardball, the host actually said with a straight face that John F. Kennedy is "the American president we Americans most want to see joining Washington, Jefferson, Lincoln, and Teddy Roosevelt up there on Mount Rushmore (video follows with transcript and commentary…

Could Mitt Romney be 2012's Al Smith

October 14th, 2011 6:30 PM
It was said of Al Smith, a Roman Catholic, that if he won the 1928 presidential election he would take orders from the Vatican and not uphold the Constitution. John F. Kennedy famously confronted that anti-Catholic prejudice in a 1960 speech to the Greater Houston Ministerial Association. Kennedy said in part, "I believe in an America where the separation of church and state is absolute;…

Media Bistro: CNN 'Sex Scandals' TV Segment Omits CNN Show Host Eliot

May 17th, 2011 9:22 PM
UPDATE, May 18: NewsBusters commenter "dreamsincolor" has pointed out that CNN "somehow" forgot Democratic New York Congressman Eric Massa, who resigned in 2009 to avoid "an ethics investigation into alleged misconduct toward a male staff member." (Begin original post) Chris Ariens filed a report today at MediaBistro's TVNewser that opened with a reader's Tweet, which plaintively asked: "…

Chris Matthews: Government Spending Stimulates Economy Not Tax Cuts

February 16th, 2011 9:36 AM
President Obama and the Democrats have spent trillions of dollars in the past two years without successfully growing the economy enough to produce jobs. Despite this immutable fact, MSNBC's Chris Matthews on Tuesday's "Hardball" said government spending is a far better stimulus than cutting taxes (video follows with transcript and commentary):

On BBC, Richard Dreyfuss Laments America's 'Delusionary Despair' Since

February 4th, 2011 4:03 PM
In a recent interview with Matt Frei for BBC Radio 4's  January 30 "Americana" program, liberal actor Richard Dreyfuss complained that America has been downcast with a "delusionary despair" since the day his hero President John F. Kennedy was assassinated. "I don't think we'll ever grow up until we face the anguish and face the loss of what we felt that day," Dreyfuss lamented. [Link to MP3…

Liberal Radio Host/Lawyer Perpetuates Slander That Dallas Schoolchildr

January 16th, 2011 10:51 AM
How do we know that grade-school students in Dallas spontaneously cheered the news that President John F. Kennedy was murdered in their city? Because it's been repeated ad infinitum for almost half a century. Therefore it must be true, right? It's a belief that's taken on the aura of holy writ to liberals, thanks to propapandists like radio host and lawyer Mike Papantonio in preserving…

Google's 2011 'US Holidays' Calendar Includes JFK's Birthday, Omits Re

January 13th, 2011 3:51 PM
Here's a little something I stumbled across today while looking through my Google Calendar settings. I subscribe to Google's "US Holidays" calendar, which adds to my personal calendar tags for U.S. federal holidays as well as some major non-federal religious or cultural holidays like Easter and Groundhog Day respectively.

ABC Marks End of Kennedys Holding Elected Office in Washington

January 2nd, 2011 3:17 AM
 On ABC’s World News Saturday, correspondent John Hendren filed a report marking this year as the first time since 1947 that no members of the Kennedy family will hold public office in Washington, D.C. The piece began: JOHN HENDREN: The sun has set on the Kennedy era. When Congress reconvenes next week, it will be the first time in 64 years that there has not been a Kennedy in office.…

Ed Schultz Guest Mike Papantonio Claims 'Industrialists' Staging Coup

November 26th, 2010 8:49 PM
How about that, there's someone on the airwaves more unhinged than liberal radio talker and MSNBC heat miser Ed Schultz. And go figure, that someone happens to be a frequent Schultz guest. But between his appearance on Schultz's radio show Nov. 22 and Schultz's MSNBC program several hours later, the caffeine apparently wore off for Mike Papantonio, a lawyer and co-host of the radio show "…

Today Show Mourns Over No More Kennedys in Congress

November 8th, 2010 1:25 PM
For the Today show, Democratic Representative Patrick Kennedy's departure from Congress was something to mourn because it represented, as NBC's Matt Lauer lamented, "The end of an era. There's been a Kennedy in Congress since John F. Kennedy entered the House back in 1947." The nephew of the late President was invited on Monday's Today show to commemorate the occasion with he and co-host…

Giving Credit Where Credit Isn't Due: Media Matters' Eric Boehlert Fal

October 2nd, 2010 9:45 PM
At least Eric Boehlert of the liberal media watchdog group Media Matters isn't opposed to all tax cuts. He's just hazy on when it's actually happened.Appearing on Stephanie Miller's radio show this past Monday, Boehlert praised former president Bill Clinton for cutting taxes on top earners in this country -- when Clinton did just the opposite.Here's the relevant exchange between Boehlert and…

Ed Schultz as Historian: Invents Speech JFK Never Gave About First Gle

September 17th, 2010 4:39 PM
Achtung, Sgt. Schultz -- you're making it up again.The liberal radio host and MSNBC flamethrower got carried away in his indignation Monday over controversy about whether Obama's speech on education should be shown in classrooms.My how things have changed, Schultz pontificated (audio here) --I don't know, when I was a kid, and I was a little dude when John Glenn was flying around the, in outer…