John Boehner
Chris Matthews: Obama Should Sue Congress for 'Failure to Provide Serv
August 4th, 2014 9:40 PM
For Barack Obama's 53rd birthday, Chris Matthews gave the gift of an incredibly stupid idea. In his closing "Let Me Finish" commentary for August 4, the MSNBC Hardball host urged the president to "get yourself a bright lawyer" and work up a lawsuit against Congress for "failure to provide services."
Yes, "normally that would strike me or you as absurd, but now that we're in the suing season…

MSNBC Uses Term 'Impeachment' More Than Four Times as Often as Fox New
July 31st, 2014 9:25 PM
Judging from reports carried by the three mainstream networks' news programs and most of the low-rated cable news channels, it seems that the Fox News Channel and conservative Republicans are totally consumed by the concept of impeaching Democratic President Barack Obama.
However, a Lexis-Nexis search of transcripts from the July programs on FNC and MSNBC indicated that for every mention of…

At CNN, Poll Results on Impeachment Released Friday Morning, But Romne
July 28th, 2014 1:26 PM
CNN/Opinion Research conducted a poll of "1,012 adult Americans conducted by telephone" from July 18-20. The poll contained over 40 questions. But instead of publishing all of the poll's results in one document, the network is parsing them out.
Several questions relating to support for impeaching President Barack Obama and suing him in court over his unilateral executive actions were released…

Newest MSNBC Show Makes No Effort To Tame Network's Bias
July 14th, 2014 1:30 PM
Telemundo anchor José Díaz-Balart lauded his brand new MSNBC show as being “for you,” “for all of us” and “for all people”on Monday. Of course, by “all of us”José Díaz-Balart meant MSNBC’s usual target audience, liberals.
Díaz-Balart invited MSNBC anchor Lawrence O’Donnell on to the show to discuss what The Last Word host described as the outrageous Republican rhetoric that “this presidency…

AP's Taylor Swallows Administration's Absurd 2014 Full-Year Growth Est
July 12th, 2014 7:45 PM
At the Associated Press on Friday afternoon, Andrew Taylor, who it should be noted covers Congress and is not routinely on the economics or business beat, relayed an Obama administration prediction that economic growth in 2014 will come in at 2.6 percent.
Taylor noted that this estimate, lowered from 3.3 percent, came about because of "the unexpected 2.9 percent drop in gross domestic product…

Only CBS Covers Latest on Boehner Lawsuit Against Obama, Labels it 'Ve
July 11th, 2014 11:21 AM
On Friday, only CBS This Morning covered the latest developments on House Speaker John Boehner's lawsuit against President Obama over a 2013 executive order delaying the ObamaCare employer mandate. [Listen to the audio or watch the video after the jump] NBC's Today and ABC's Good Morning America completely ignored Boehner's office releasing the House resolution to sue the President.

Of Big Three, Only CBS's 'Evening News' Notes Latest Development in Bo
July 10th, 2014 9:12 PM
Of the Big Three network newscasts for this evening, only CBS's Evening News covered how Speaker John Boehner's (R-Ohio) threatened lawsuit against President Obama came a step closer to fruition today.
The relevant transcript follows the page break:

Chris Matthews Proclaims Boehner Lawsuit Occurs ‘In Third World Coun
July 7th, 2014 9:25 PM
Chris Matthews’ disdain for House Speaker John Boehner (R-OH) and his decision to sue President Obama over his use of executive orders reached a fever pitch on his Hardball program Monday night.
Speaking to David Corn of the liberal Mother Jones and Howard Fineman of The Huffington Post, Matthews maintained that Speaker Boehner’s lawsuit “is the kind of Mickey Mouse that goes on in third…

David Gregory to Reince Priebus: Isn’t Boehner Lawsuit ‘Just To Gi
June 29th, 2014 11:15 AM
NBC’s David Gregory did his best to minimize Speaker of the House John Boehner’s soon-to-be lawsuit against President Obama, dismissing it as a “political stunt.”
During an interview with Reince Priebus, chairman of the Republican National Committee, on Meet the Press on Sunday, June 29, Gregory insisted that the lawsuit had no real merit and wondered “isn’t this just to gin up the base in…

Liberal PBS Analyst Mark Shields Talks Trash: Boehner Lawsuit Is 'Bogu
June 28th, 2014 11:12 PM
In the Friday PBS NewsHour, anchor Judy Woodruff lamented the current impasse in Washington: "I don’t know what else to call it, war between congressional Republicans and the president."
She sounded shocked that Speaker John Boehner filed suit to protest the president's constant end-runs around Congress and legislating from the White House on Obamacare, immigration, and other issues. Shields…

CBS Finally Covers House Speaker's Lawsuit Against Obama Administratio
June 26th, 2014 2:54 PM
CBS lifted its blackout of House Speaker John Boehner's planned lawsuit against the Obama White House with a 15-second news brief on Thursday's CBS This Morning. The network follows in the footsteps of NBC, which first mentioned the story a day earlier on Wednesday's Today, and ABC on Wednesday's World News.
Altogether, the Big Three networks have devoted just one minute and 18 seconds to…

CBS Maintains Blackout on Speaker Boehner's Lawsuit Against Obama Whit
June 25th, 2014 9:48 PM
Wednesday's CBS Evening News ignored House Speaker John Boehner's announcement that he will file a lawsuit against the Obama administration over its use of executive orders. The evening newscast thus followed the example of CBS This Morning, which also omitted this development. ABC made its first on-air mention of the story on Wednesday's World News, with an 18-second news brief by anchor Diane…

ABC, CBS Skip Coverage of Boehner’s Obama Lawsuit; NBC Devotes Only
June 25th, 2014 5:30 PM
On Wednesday, NBC’s Today was the only broadcast network morning news show to give coverage to House Speaker John Boehner’s lawsuit against President Obama. Today devoted 19 seconds to the story, while both ABC and CBS ignored it completely.
During the 7:00 a.m. news brief, NBC national correspondent Peter Alexander reported that Boehner was considering a lawsuit against the President for “…

CNN's Cuomo Suggests GOPers 'Shut Up' from Blaming Obama, Expects 'Con
June 17th, 2014 12:47 PM
On Tuesday's New Day show, during an interview with Paul Wolfowitz, CNN's Chris Cuomo was confrontational toward the former Bush administration Deputy Defense Secretary as the New Day co-host complained about Republicans blaming President Obama's troop withdrawal for the chaos in Iraq, arguing that such talk undermines the President from dealing with the situation because there is not a "united…