Janet Mock

Netflix Signs Trans Producer for More LGBT Diversity
June 20th, 2019 2:46 PM
The diversity enforcers at Netflix has decided that viewers haven’t been hammered with enough LGBTQIA+ representation. Apparently, last year’s 53 shows with LGBT characters weren’t enough. To remedy this gross inequity, Netflix signed a major deal with transgender activist Janet Mock yesterday.

‘The Pose’ Producer: Misgendering Is Like Racism
June 12th, 2019 11:34 AM
Pose’s transgender writer, director, and producer Janet Mock has a few choice words for those who aren’t super-careful with pronouns. Deified in 2014 for her memoir, the Hollywood media has long looked to Mock for her expertise on trans issues. In an interview with The Root yesterday, Janet Mock once again imparted her wisdom, relating mistaken pronouns to racism against black people.

MSNBC to 'Shift' Online With New Programs Ranging From Sports to Books
December 17th, 2014 6:38 PM
“If you can't beat 'em, join 'em” seems to be the new motto of Phil Griffin, president of the liberal and low-rated MSNBC cable channel, who is trying to attract young consumers “who get their news via digital means.”
The online initiative -- which will be known as “Shift by MSNBC” -- will contain 14 new series ranging from The Briefing, a political program hosted on Mondays and Fridays by Luke…
The Glow of Utter Servility: NY Times Bows to Honor Transgender Lobby
March 18th, 2014 7:32 AM
The New York Times carries the sermonizing flavor of "Can I get an Amen?" when it turns to topics on the “LGBT” agenda. The Thursday Styles section could be called the Aren’t They Fabulous? section.
The top half of Thursday’s section was a huge picture of a “trans man” and a “trans woman” in love, illustrating a Jacob Bernstein story appropriately headlined “In Their Own Terms: From art to…

Liberating 'Girls'? WashPost Gauzily Champions Janet Mock's Trans-Crus
February 14th, 2014 1:54 PM
The Washington Post is glorifying the man who calls himself “Janet Mock” on the front of the Friday Style section, but it’s a bit puzzling. They noted the recent kerfuffle over Piers Morgan’s CNN show describing Mock as “a boy until 18" as “a ticking time bomb that later exploded on Twitter.”
But wait, Post reporter Dan Zak first wrote, “She had three goals when she was growing up as Charles…

Leftist Academic Scolds Piers on Transgender Tussle; Likens It to Romn
February 6th, 2014 10:42 PM
Columbia University Professor Marc Lamont Hill chided Piers Morgan on the British host's CNN program on Wednesday for his apparent lack of sensitivity towards transgendered author Janet Mock during a recent interview. Hill acknowledged that Morgan was an "ally" of LGBT actvists, but claimed that his interview of Mock was akin to Mitt Romney's supposed gaffe about hiring women: "It's like when…
Politically Correct Piers Morgan Falls Prey to P.C. Police in Furor Ov
February 6th, 2014 6:38 PM
Piers Morgan was left aghast on his CNN program on Wednesday over "being viciously abused by the transgender community," in his words, over an interview he conducted with Janet Mock the previous evening. Mock, who claims transgendered status, expressed outrage on Twitter over the way Morgan handled the LGBT issue, which led to the CNN host receiving a "firestorm" of criticism from left-wing…