James Patterico

Politifact, on Black Jobless Rate Remarks: Bernie's OK! Trump's Wrong!
September 26th, 2016 2:04 PM
When will the highly left-politicized "fact checking" site known as Politifact evaluate a statement about the unemployment rate among young blacks as "Mostly True"? When Bernie Sanders says it.
When will Politifact take a very similar statement and determine that it's "Mostly False"? When Donald Trump says it — even though, if judged consistently by Sanders' strange definition of "real…

Cruz Pushes Back Against 'Fact-Checker'; Democratic Party IS Shrinking
November 16th, 2015 11:58 PM
In a Facebook post on Sunday, Republican presidential candidate Ted Cruz pushed back against a "ridiculous" Politifact post which labeled his true claim that the Democratic Party is shrinking as "mostly false."
Politifact's Emma Hinchliffe had to go back 11 years to a now-irrelevant time period to unsuccessfully attempt to refute Cruz's inconvenient truth, citing Gallup poll figures from 2004.…

Politico Hack: 'The GOP Is Dying Off. Literally'
May 20th, 2015 11:19 AM
Daniel J. McGrow, who describes himself as a "writer and recombobulator" at his Twitter account, got seriously discombobulated in public on Sunday.
His headline at Politico is meant to reassure leftists who don't read on that "The GOP Is Dying Off. Literally," and that Democrats have an incredible advantage going into the 2016 elections. Those who do read his column should be able to recognize…

At LA Times, Pearce Joins Parade of Brown-Wilson Evidence Distorters
January 4th, 2015 11:59 PM
In the final three paragraphs of a "Year in Review" item at the Los Angeles Times on December 31 (HT Patterico), reporter Matt Pearce joined the long list of journalists who have failed to properly characterize the evidence in Michael Brown's death in Ferguson, Missouri in August.
You had to know that distortions were coming based on the rest of the article content which preceded it. The most…

AP Refuses to Name Already-Known Weiner Sexting Partner Who 'Just So H
July 24th, 2013 10:46 PM
A very misleading sentence appeared in David Caruso's story this evening at the Associated Press about Nik Richie, the blogger who broke the story of disgraced former congressman and now-New York City mayoral candidate Anthony Weiner's latest sexting escapade at his "The Dirty" web site. It certainly supports the notion that tagging the wire service with its "the Administration's Press"…

Brett Kimberlin and 'SWATting': Where Is the Establishment Press
May 28th, 2012 12:19 AM
As the clock in the Eastern time zone officially tells me that it's Memorial Day, it occurs to me that the men and women we honor today did not fight and die so they would see their country become one where a person could be hounded from their home, see themselves and/or loved ones lose their jobs, worry about the safety of their kids, or be visited by police with guns drawn as a result of a…

Imagine That: Obama Favored Legalizing Same-Sex 'Marriage' Without Qua
May 12th, 2012 11:23 AM
President Barack Obama's allegedly "historic" support for same-sex "marriage" apparently has "prehistoric" roots -- at least as "history" is seen by the establishment press, which has acted as if all relevant history relating to Barack Obama began with his 2004 Democratic convention speech.
A Friday Los Angeles Times puff piece ("President Obama's influence on gay marriage will be tested") on…
Media's Assassination Double Standard: Obama Plot vs. Thwarted Bush At
October 28th, 2008 6:36 PM
Blogger Patrick "Patterico" Frey yesterday devoted a blog post to the difference between how the media are reporting a thwarted assassination attempt against President Bush versus the recent arrest of some skinheads plotting harm to Sen. Barack Obama.Patterico noted that the Bush conspirators were farther along in their plans than the skinheads targeting Obama, and yet there was no discernible…