James Hamblin

Atlantic Magazine Editor Wants Trump's Brain Examined By Committee
January 3rd, 2018 2:36 PM
Because President Donald Trump has been spotted holding water bottles a few times with both hands, a committee should be formed to examine his brain in order to make recommendations about his removal from office via the 25th Amendment. Such is the fantasy of one James Hamblin, a senior editor at Atlantic magazine who, perhaps, should have his brain examined for proposing such a nutty idea. …
Politico: Dr. Ben Carson's Talent Doesn't Lead to 'Elevated or Even Ra
April 22nd, 2014 2:36 PM
At Politico Magazine, writer and physician James Hamblin tried to answer the question "Who is Dr. Ben Carson?" After describing how he became a "darling of the right-wing media" after calling out President Obama at a prayer breakfast, Hamblin tried to explain how he speaks in "over the top" language about America in decline.
But Hamblin really let loose when he insisted that despite Dr.…